Thursday, May 6, 2010

April-May Newsletter

Dear Friends,

We are on a countdown to our Stateside Assignment that will begin on July 31 and will carry us through to January 31, 2011. Can you believe we packed up, sold our home, went to training in Virginia and then moved overseas 3 years ago? And what a crazy, up and down, adventure we have lived over that time. Recently, we had the privilege of Baptizing 8 believers, some new, in the Lurin River here in Peru. That day was such a testimony to what God is doing here among the Urban Poor that we work with. As I sat, watching the baptisms and snapping Photos, I was filled with 'awe" at my husband and how "effective" he has been. I would be lying if I didn't admit there was some jealousy as well. I wanted to be responsible for these new believers coming to Christ. I wanted to be the one that they looked up to. I wanted to be able to say that I had come to Peru and that I had done "all of this." I shared my selfish sentiments with John that night, while I was praising him for how proud of him I am, and he lovingly remind me that everything that has happened since we got here, the two small church plants, the 100's of new believers, the new believers bringing a ton of people, the visibly changed lives in several folks, the 14 Baptisms, the nationals that have stepped up to lead the churches, NONE of them have been because of us. We went through each scenario and realized that behind the scenes God was already working, already preparing a way, already had planted seeds, moved in hearts and had been doing things that we never could do for these people. It is easy, as a missionary, to want to take credit when things are going well, and we probably easily could, but as we ponder and review the happenings of our last 2 years here in Peru, and our year of ministry in Costa Rica, we humbly confess it was all the work of God's hand. So many things have happened that we could not have construed, constructed or manipulated to happen. They have just, so to speak, fallen in our lap. And, of course, we know who dropped them there. :)

The church plant that was started in Oasis is going well. There are about 15 solid members/believers and they are dedicated to reaching their own community. They desire for their neighbors to know Christ and for him to have Lordship in their lives. John is continuing to train, Alberto, the national Pastor that God is raising up to lead the people there. And John has started another church plant, also a HUGE God thing, with a sweet family called the Pena's. Orlando and Brigida are hosting a church service in their home each Sunday afternoon. Usually their small little shack is packed full of people. A mission team will be coming next month to help us continue to reach that area to help grow the church plant as well as to disciple the believers and sew seeds for new ones as well.

Since March, we have already had two teams: First Baptist McComb from McComb, MIssissippi and William Carrey from Mississippi. This summer we will host 3 more teams: one from Winssboro, Texas, one from Mandeville, Louisiana and the other from our home church, First Baptist St. Cloud. It will be a busy few months as we continue to do our medical paperwork for the IMB, host the teams, and prepare to pack up and leave our Peru home and ministry for 6 months. While in Florida, we plan to rest and work diligently to motivate the local churches to partner with the Southern Baptist Missionaries around the world through praying, going or giving.

On the home front, I (Jessica) am doing a weekly Bible study with our house helper, Maria, who is also a part of one of the church plants. Since she works in our home twice a week, it is easy for me to do this study with her. We are learning a lot together and it also helps me practice my Spanish. We also attend a church here in Lima, when we have time, and two of the Pastor's daughters have been coming over weekly to practice Spanish and English with me. We trade off languages and since we all speak at about the same level it is a good fit. The kids are doing well, but there is at least one child who is sick weekly. This has been going on since November of 2009 and we are hoping that the illness will end sometime soon. Parker, Ally and Jaxson are thriving in school while Avery is happy to be the big sister to her little brother, Miles, who is now 7 months old. Avery is learning to write and loves to help me in the kitchen. Miles has two teeth now and they are his top incisors so he looks like a little vampire. He is also trying to crawl and sits up very well.

As for the future, right now, the plan is that we will be returning to Peru in January, but it looks like sometime after we return we will be relocating to another assignment IN South America. Please pray for us as we are going to accept a future position that was offered to us to pray about. Please pray that God would make it clear to us as to what country and city we should be relocated to. We both have HUGE hearts for Columbia (don't freak out) and are hoping this is where God opens the doors.

Thank you for partnering with us in encouragement, friendship, e-mails, phone-calls, care-packages and prayers. We love each one of you dearly and it your dedication to this work that keeps us going through the difficult seasons.


John, Jessica, Parker, Ally, Jaxson, Avery and Miles.

If you would like us to speak at your church (Sunday school, Worship service, women's group, men's group, etc...) during our Stateside Assignment, please let us know as soon as possible. It would be our pleasure to help get your church excited about what God is doing in other parts of the world.

Baptism Pictures are on our private blog: Let me know if you need an invitation to view them.

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1 comment:

Janet said...

Hey Jess - it's Janet Newcomb from ILC training 3 years ago! Wow, we have been home from our ISC assignment for almost 1 year and it's so hard to believe. Just a note to say that when you are in VA at ILC or for any reason, we would love to see you and take you to dinner. We live only about 25 minutes from ILC and if you can spare a whole weekend we have a sailboat on the Chesapeake and would love to take you sailing. Hope you are well! Blessings, Janet

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