I´m reporting on one group of McComb, Mississippi, folks during our mission trip this week in Lima. After a very long day of travel from the States on Thursday and a short three-hour nap Thursday night, we started our Friday at the Oasis. John gave us a map and divided us into teams who knocked on doors, inviting people to church and children to VBS. We all had the opportunity to talk to many people, and that day, as about five teams prayer- walked and talked, seven people prayed to accept Christ as their Savior. Most people are very open and friendly, although they seem to be somewhat shy. Their problems seem insurmountable and hopeless, and, certainly, they are hopeless without Christ. With many religions and denominations coming into the community and not staying to disciple, many of the people who are spiritually seeking are left confused, not really assured of their salvation. Emphasizing the free gift of God´s grace and just loving on them seems to be the way to their hearts. They are so grateful that we even come to see them and to teach. We saw some old friends whom we had met before at the Oasis, and we had happy reunions.
Friday night, Grace Baptist Church invited us to their prayer meeting. I don´t know if they regularly have one on Friday night, or if it was a special one for us. We sang and prayed and worshipped and heard many good words from God. What a special time it was to worship and pray with our brothers and sisters in Christ!
On Saturday, the group I was a part of went to Grace Baptist Church for a women´s Bible study in the morning. Such gracious women were our hostesses. One of our ladies taught the Bible study from the book, ¨Downpour,¨by James MacDonald. There was special music, several testimonies, and many tears. (Well, it was a room full of ladies!) In spite of the language barrier, our ladies and the Peruvian ladies joined hearts together and loved each other. You know, we are all alike inside, no matter what our skin color or address. We all have problems and heartaches. But, praise God, we also have the Great Problem Solver and Heart Healer, and many times, the way He heals and comforts us is through another believer.
We met with the Children´s Bible Club at Grace Saturday afternoon. They sang several songs for us and we played games and told a Bible story. A lady in the church takes on the responsibility for getting about a dozen children to church from all over the community. She picks some up, enlists help from others to chauffeur, and even uses taxicabs. Her heart is definitely for the children and she has taught them how to love the Lord Jesus.
Saturday night, our group, as well as our pastor, met with the youth group at Grace Baptist. They played games (which you would not want to be played in your house!), sang several songs--joyfully and worshipfully, and listened to testimony and message by two of our group. We could tell that this youth group enjoyed being with each other and that spending a Saturday night at church was not only acceptable, but was a lot of fun! Many of them asked for prayer to have the mind of Jesus as they grow up into young adults.
And now, we come to Sunday, which is today. We have spent a wonderful day at the Oasis again, wrapping up our two-day VBS. The children would rather color than do anything else, but we did tell a Bible story and give them a craft (bookmark with cross and heart.) During Children´s Church, while the adults were having their own church service, we played with the children and reviewed the VBS story. Being led by the Holy Spirit to share more, we went into the plan of salvation with them, and being careful to help them understand how serious the decision is, we believe that about seven children asked Jesus to come into their hearts.
There were also about eight decisions for Christ which were made when our group went door-to-door this morning.
We are half-way through our week in Lima, but our hearts are overflowing with joy, knowing that so many more precious people have been welcomed into the family of God. We praise God for the work He is doing and we are so grateful to Him for inviting us to join Him and share in the work. Please continue to pray for the work going on here in Lima, and pray that the new believers in Christ will be discipled so that they will grow in the knowledge and wisdom of Christ.
1 comment:
Jess, so glad you're feeling better! We HATED leaving you all last Weds. What an amazing trip it was! Thank you and John so much for your love and support of our team. We love you and pray for you often. Jackye
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