Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A BIG cold for a BIG baby!

If you need something to pray for, please pray for me as I caught the baby's cold last Friday and it is quite a doozy. It started with my throat feeling like it was about to close shut, to laringytis, to an intense sinus headache that wrapped from my forehead to around my neck, and finally it is settling in my lungs. I hope this means it is almost gone. I've got the creepy "goo" in my eyes that prevents you from opening your eyes in the morning. Lovely! I was dreaming that I put on too much mascara and couldn't open my eyes and when I tried to open my eyes in the middle of the dream, I woke up to find they were closed shut with mucus. Do you remember that from when you were a kid? Fun times! Anyway, I could use your prayers that this will leave my body quickly. The baby is still coughing a lot, but overall he is feeling a lot better.


Layton Family Joy said...

boo - I hate baby colds. Praying!!

mary joe said...

praying for you all. Mary Joe

The Byrd's Nest said...

Hope you are feeling better my friend:)

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