Friday, March 12, 2010

So in love......

Posing for mommy in this special blanket that fellow Missionary June Tate hand made for him.

I LOVE HIM! I LOVE HIM! I LOVE HIM! I seriously just sit around kissing him all day long.

He took the blanket and pulled it around his face like this. I also want you to see this outfit. Kitty and I have been passing it back and forth for at least 10 years now. It's just a little Gap Jean jumper than is unisex. We started doing this with either Gunner or Kelsi and all of our kids wear it and then we pass it back for the next kid to wear it. It is so special and sentimental. So far, at least 10 kids have worn this.
I am just smiley and happy like this ALL DAY EVERY DAY! Especially when I am being held.


Justgottalaugh said...


Love the outfit but I REALLY love that little boy! I want to sit around and kiss him all day, too! Give him extra kisses from me, please:)

The Byrd's Nest said...

Oh he is so precious Jessica....he has just the cutest little dimples in those cheeks!

Layton Family said...

oh Jess - I want another! =)
What a special tradition you two have - that is so sweet! I just love that type of friendship!

BEAUTIFUL SMILES! who wouldn't want to eat that up!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute. I am so glad that I met him while I was in Lima. Mary Joe McLamb

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