I think they are hives, but I don't know from what. Needless to say, John left the conference early today to come rescue ME/US . And have I mentioned our freezer/fridge, that is only a year and half old, won't freeze anymore and we are losing food right and left? The repair guys came last week, charged us a bunch of money said they fixed it and now it is exactly the same and they won't come back. Spiritual warfare or life?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A tough week
What is going on? First John threw his neck out on Monday. It is about 10% better, but he is still suffering and can't really turn his neck. He has to turn his whole body to turn and look at something. Then, Avery's eyes have been gookey green with a ton of puss. It's quite disgusting and I have no idea why. And last night I came down with the worst Mastitis I have ever had which has included a fever and crazy body aches. And just when I think my cup is about as full as it can get.....Jaxson gets these:

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Wow. I'm not sure where to even begin - but I am praying for you - ALL of you that regardless of the reason it will go away! At least school is going good?! Thanks for your comment, I am trying to not be jealous of your ability to think, even if it is combined with all that other stuff. Cassy broke out like that a couple of years ago and we still aren't definite on the cause, possibly medicine or oysters?
Probably a little bit of both....the good news is that Jesus has overcome the ENEMY, so CLAIM that...and His abundant GRACE can overwhelm your life...although rightn now, even I am overwhelmed reading through all of it. LOTS Of prayers for you dear friend. I'll call tomorrow!
Much Love!
Praying for you all. Mary joe
"take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one" Ephesians 6:16
YOU CAN EXTINGUISH!! I hate to say it because it doesn't stop any of it right now, but praise God these are TEMPORARY things - and He knows!
I had mastitis 102 fever and Thad was out of town - it was me and two boys and that was not easy, so don't you be so hard on yourself! You are doing a great job!! GREAT JOB!
I am lifting you up to the Prince of PEACE early this morning!
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