Monday, March 22, 2010

What can you get done in 11 hours? Probably much more than me!

I got my hair highlighted and cut today. She arrived at my house at 9:55 a.m. and left at 5 p.m. She also cut and highlighted a fellow missionary's hair. Should it really take 7 hours to do 2 people's hair? NO! But yes, if you live in Peru. Just another example of how life is REEEEAAAAALLLLLLYYYYYYYYY SLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW here and nothing gets done in a timely manner. If you get one thing marked off of your to do list, then you have had a highly successful day.

So if you tally up the hours, I bought birthday party supplies and got my hair done in an 11 hour time span. Can you imagine wasting 11 hours on such trivial stuff in America? I couldn't have 3 years ago, either. But now I don't have a choice. :)

Well, my dear Ally's party was a success. Everyone who was invited showed up and we had a lovely morning. 4 of the mothers stayed for the 3 hour event. We chatted, played bingo, opened presents, cake and just enjoyed ourselves. All was well! After everyone left I layed down for a much needed nap. I woke up and felt very empty inside. I began to cry! I realized that the reason I had been avoiding a BIG party for several years is because no matter how many "people" show up, it is not the same without the friends that you have history with. And what about the grandparents and aunts that were there the day your child was born? What is a party without them? No one at the party is truly invested in Ally or loves her like long-term friends and family can and do. I know it sounds petty, but it just broke my heart and left me aching for the familiarity of birthday's past. The day was sweet, but I must say that it was just empty. I was just there experiencing it, but not truly LIVING it! Anyway, I cried for about 30 minutes and then I got over it and realized this is just another piece of my old life that I am grieving. And at times, probably when I least expect it like Saturday, the grief will rear its ugly head and I'll have to deal with it. But I would be ungrateful if I didn't say that I am extremely blessed with many new friends here that desire to establish deep, lasting friendships like the friends back home did. So once again, I press on and try not to look back too often. :)


Jonatha said...

I would LOVE someone to take 7 hours on my hair! LOL! How are things? Call me!

Phamilyof6 said...

I failed to mention that it was at my home and I had to still take care of 2 kids, without John, while she was trying to do my hair. So it was not relaxing, like in a salon, at all.

Jennifer said...

I feel for you Jess have had tears in my eyes reading your post! I know all too well what you are feeling... although you may be surprised to hear it what way. But that, my friend, is something to be shared at another time and place. I pray for God's grace to get you through those grieving times.

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