One thing I LOVE in Costa Rica is that Halloween does not exist here. Or, it seems that it doesn't exist here. I just had to mention this because if you know me, then you probably know of my dislike for the holiday and its satanic origins. It has been really nice to not feel like I have to hide in the house from the goblins, ghouls, blood and other things that are scary and inappropriate for my children. It's such a HUGE deal in America, but not here. I have to say that this is one cultural change that I am praising God for! :)
Since I'm talking about cultural differences, I wanted to mention that a major difference is that walkers DO NOT have the right of way here. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's a huge change in my thinking. After almost getting run over 1/2 a dozen times (and the kids, too), I finally figured out that cars HAVE the right of way. They are not wrong for almost hitting us, we just need to change our thinking and get out of the road. It's not as easy as you might think. We are so ingrained in the States that the cars will slow down, move over or stop. Not here. That responsibility is up to us. I have to teach the kids new rules about crossing the street. I can honestly say this "right of way" thing has been the hardest cultural change for me. Go figure!
Who would've thought?
For some reason my spell check is still broken. Sorry about that!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Not eternal
I got Monday's test back on Complimento Direct - hard stuff! It's sad when you think you grasp a concept and then the test shows you really don't. I made a 73 and I honestly thought I might have made an A. How can I fool myself like that? A 73 is almost a D and was the lowest score in the class! OUCH!!! I made the same mistake 6 different times. I won't be making that mistake again. Anyway, my eyes welled up with tears and then my friend Keeley whispered from across the room "this is not eternal." Boy, did I need to hear that.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Pham Kids
The Pham Kids:
Avery is a cutie. Fun dresses, pig-tales and Ezra are her favorite things. She smiles at all the right times and says "Porfa" like a true tica. She likes to bite and hit and scream; three traits I prayed she would have. :) But that just melts our hearts.
Parker is incredibly handsome. His hair sweeps over his eyes and I just stare at him thinking that all of the girls in his 2nd grade classs must think he's gorgeous. And how do they stop themselves from having a crush on this hunky 7 year old? He still sucks his thumb (I hear the screeching tires in your head) and although it is annoying at times, it really makes him seem like a baby. Especially when he crawls up on my lap in our rocking chair for me to rock him. Did I mention he's 7? And so kind-hearted! He has never said a negative word about anyone. Never! He loves science, history and math. And just like his daddy, he retains everything he learns - must be nice. :)
Jaxson is the goofiest kid I know. He's fun and lively and definitely a charmer. He is speaking the most Spanish of any of our children. Today he told the empleada that her food was "que rico" meaning "how delicious." Every day when he comes in from school he picks her a flower and gives it to her. EVERYDAY!!! And he likes to wear camoflauge pants that are too short for his legs with his cowboy boots that are 3 sizes to big....TO SCHOOL! No one has mentioned his wardrobe choices yet because I'm sure their too busy staring at his goofy haircut. But he is preciously goofy! The other day when I was feeling sick to my stomache, he said "Mommy, please don't cry because then I'll cry."
And Ally! Thoughtful, sweet, merciful, tender and motivated. If you give her ANY task she will stick with it until she has it. She taught herself how to do cartwheels from a computer video. She is our serious child. She often cries when I joke. She told me that she doesn't really think I'm funny and she'd prefer if I stopped kidding around all of the time! :) She is pensive and a great communicator. Sometimes she will get in trouble for things and she will say, "But I'm still a little girl. I'm just learning." Melt my heart! Today she combed her own hair for school while I was blow drying mine. I went to school with silky shiny hair and when we arrived we realized Ally's hair looked like a rat's nest - literally. I was hoping people wouldn't think that her hair was so messy because I spent so much time on mine. But she was very proud of the job she did and so were we. If you have a prayer request, Ally is our child that will be happy to pray for you.
That's our family....Parker(7), Ally(5), Jaxson (4-Nov.10), Avery 1.5 years
Avery is a cutie. Fun dresses, pig-tales and Ezra are her favorite things. She smiles at all the right times and says "Porfa" like a true tica. She likes to bite and hit and scream; three traits I prayed she would have. :) But that just melts our hearts.
Parker is incredibly handsome. His hair sweeps over his eyes and I just stare at him thinking that all of the girls in his 2nd grade classs must think he's gorgeous. And how do they stop themselves from having a crush on this hunky 7 year old? He still sucks his thumb (I hear the screeching tires in your head) and although it is annoying at times, it really makes him seem like a baby. Especially when he crawls up on my lap in our rocking chair for me to rock him. Did I mention he's 7? And so kind-hearted! He has never said a negative word about anyone. Never! He loves science, history and math. And just like his daddy, he retains everything he learns - must be nice. :)
Jaxson is the goofiest kid I know. He's fun and lively and definitely a charmer. He is speaking the most Spanish of any of our children. Today he told the empleada that her food was "que rico" meaning "how delicious." Every day when he comes in from school he picks her a flower and gives it to her. EVERYDAY!!! And he likes to wear camoflauge pants that are too short for his legs with his cowboy boots that are 3 sizes to big....TO SCHOOL! No one has mentioned his wardrobe choices yet because I'm sure their too busy staring at his goofy haircut. But he is preciously goofy! The other day when I was feeling sick to my stomache, he said "Mommy, please don't cry because then I'll cry."
And Ally! Thoughtful, sweet, merciful, tender and motivated. If you give her ANY task she will stick with it until she has it. She taught herself how to do cartwheels from a computer video. She is our serious child. She often cries when I joke. She told me that she doesn't really think I'm funny and she'd prefer if I stopped kidding around all of the time! :) She is pensive and a great communicator. Sometimes she will get in trouble for things and she will say, "But I'm still a little girl. I'm just learning." Melt my heart! Today she combed her own hair for school while I was blow drying mine. I went to school with silky shiny hair and when we arrived we realized Ally's hair looked like a rat's nest - literally. I was hoping people wouldn't think that her hair was so messy because I spent so much time on mine. But she was very proud of the job she did and so were we. If you have a prayer request, Ally is our child that will be happy to pray for you.
That's our family....Parker(7), Ally(5), Jaxson (4-Nov.10), Avery 1.5 years
Monday, October 29, 2007
Bad Spanish = God WILL use it
Sometimes it feels that all that matters is memorizing verbs and taking tests. But then God reminds me that Spanish is about Him. Today, at therapy, I could tell my therapist was not her cheerful self. I mentioned that she seemed very serious today. Our conversations are usually filled with giggles and laughter. She expressed that she was just thinking and had a lot on her mind. I told her that I am her friend and she can talk with me. She came closer and told me she had a biopsy done on Saturday and was expecting a call from the doctor because he thinks she may have something seriously wrong.
At first, I just apologized, but then God tapped me gently and reminded me to speak of His love to her. In my best Spanish ever, yeh right, I shared with her this: "God loves you very much. He has great plans for your life and your life is in His hands." Before I even finished, she was crying. She leaned forward and embraced me in a long, tender hug. Her voice expressed thankfulness for the reminder that God cares for her and her situation.
How many people just need to be reminded that God has not forsaken them and that He has something special in store for their lives, even in times of hardships? Usually, I brush them off with an "I'm sorry" or "I'll pray for you," but I think it is in these situations that God can use ALL of us to point people to Him.
Even though I daily use the wrong words, sound exceptionally "gringo" and confuse my Spanish grammar, and I'm seriously mediocre with the "rules"; what is most important is that I am available and can communicate enough to Speak of what really matters - Him!! And He will make sure that His purposes are understood. :)
I share all this because it is a HUGE comfort to realize it's not about me or my broken Spanish. :) I also want to encourage you that God can use you, too, right where you are? Just pray for an opportunity and seize it when it comes. And trust me, it will come and God WILL use you.
P.S. If you would please pray for my friend, Rosa, that would mean a lot to me. Please pray that God will draw her to Him. Please pray my mouth would freely speak about Jesus to her. Please pray that she will be healthy.
At first, I just apologized, but then God tapped me gently and reminded me to speak of His love to her. In my best Spanish ever, yeh right, I shared with her this: "God loves you very much. He has great plans for your life and your life is in His hands." Before I even finished, she was crying. She leaned forward and embraced me in a long, tender hug. Her voice expressed thankfulness for the reminder that God cares for her and her situation.
How many people just need to be reminded that God has not forsaken them and that He has something special in store for their lives, even in times of hardships? Usually, I brush them off with an "I'm sorry" or "I'll pray for you," but I think it is in these situations that God can use ALL of us to point people to Him.
Even though I daily use the wrong words, sound exceptionally "gringo" and confuse my Spanish grammar, and I'm seriously mediocre with the "rules"; what is most important is that I am available and can communicate enough to Speak of what really matters - Him!! And He will make sure that His purposes are understood. :)
I share all this because it is a HUGE comfort to realize it's not about me or my broken Spanish. :) I also want to encourage you that God can use you, too, right where you are? Just pray for an opportunity and seize it when it comes. And trust me, it will come and God WILL use you.
P.S. If you would please pray for my friend, Rosa, that would mean a lot to me. Please pray that God will draw her to Him. Please pray my mouth would freely speak about Jesus to her. Please pray that she will be healthy.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Bible Storying
John is doing much better, thank you! He has finally come back to life. He thanks you ALL for your concern and prayers. At one point he told me he thought he had encaphalytis. :) Obviously, he didn't, but that lets you know how sick he was.
I spent Friday night and Saturday morning at an IMB training conference. We were learning, or re-learning, how to "story" the Bible to illiterate people groups. It is a different, but highly effective (at least we are told), way to reach people who cannot read and have not heard the truth of the Bible. We "orally" story the Bible from creation to Genesis. This can take days, weeks or months depending on the approach that is used. The end goal is so that new-testament house churches will be planted with Believers who desire to obey Christ in all areas and then go out to reach other people. The two days reminded me why we are learning Spanish and what the end goal is. Espanol is just a means to the end. God has ignited a fire in our hearts to share Christ with the people of the world. We think that storying is a unique way in which we can do this.
I was also reminded to start "sharing" NOW! Don't wait until we get to Peru! I was thinking that there will always be a reason to wait - language study, sickness, homeschooling, etc....But now is the time. Please pray for us! Please pray that God will bring a multitude of opportunities our way to speak and share of Christ. Please pray we will recognize these opportunities and that we will seize them.
I spent Friday night and Saturday morning at an IMB training conference. We were learning, or re-learning, how to "story" the Bible to illiterate people groups. It is a different, but highly effective (at least we are told), way to reach people who cannot read and have not heard the truth of the Bible. We "orally" story the Bible from creation to Genesis. This can take days, weeks or months depending on the approach that is used. The end goal is so that new-testament house churches will be planted with Believers who desire to obey Christ in all areas and then go out to reach other people. The two days reminded me why we are learning Spanish and what the end goal is. Espanol is just a means to the end. God has ignited a fire in our hearts to share Christ with the people of the world. We think that storying is a unique way in which we can do this.
I was also reminded to start "sharing" NOW! Don't wait until we get to Peru! I was thinking that there will always be a reason to wait - language study, sickness, homeschooling, etc....But now is the time. Please pray for us! Please pray that God will bring a multitude of opportunities our way to speak and share of Christ. Please pray we will recognize these opportunities and that we will seize them.
Friday, October 26, 2007
I know my blog hasn't been super creative and fun lately. It just takes time and I'm happy to just get an update on the page so you all can stay connected to us. :)
Well....scratch Wednesday's message that we are ALL healthy. My sweet honey is the sickest I have ever seen him. In fact, he is laying next to me moaning in his sleep. High fever. Massive headache. Nauseous. Nothing is taking it away - not even a shot in the rump from the pharmacist. Please pray for him to recover. The pain is almost more than he can bare. I can't imagine how terrible he feels. Well, I can because I've had 4 kids and passed a few kidney stones, but I digress. We had more IMB training tonight and will have it half a day tomorrow as well. So at least he gets to stay home and sleep. Praise God! I hope he sleeps in peace tonight.
Spell check = broken
Well....scratch Wednesday's message that we are ALL healthy. My sweet honey is the sickest I have ever seen him. In fact, he is laying next to me moaning in his sleep. High fever. Massive headache. Nauseous. Nothing is taking it away - not even a shot in the rump from the pharmacist. Please pray for him to recover. The pain is almost more than he can bare. I can't imagine how terrible he feels. Well, I can because I've had 4 kids and passed a few kidney stones, but I digress. We had more IMB training tonight and will have it half a day tomorrow as well. So at least he gets to stay home and sleep. Praise God! I hope he sleeps in peace tonight.
Spell check = broken
Humble and confident - does it exist?
I read this article online at and felt I should share it. I'm not prideful, so I can't relate, but someone out there might! ;) HAAAA!!! (Tongue in cheek - as he says in his response). :) Hope you enjoy:
9th Grader Seeks Humility
By: Michael Pearl
“I'm a homeschooled 9th grader. I have a question not related to child training. Is it possible to be humble, but confident at the same time? It seems that whenever I try to be humble, I lose all self confidence and self esteem and get so depressed... to the point where I cut myself. But then that's not very humble, is it? When I'm confident, I'm often prideful and it shows. If there is any way to be both humble and confident? Please let me know how to do it. I've prayed and my mom has prayed but that's about all.”
Dear Becky,
Humility is not the trait of thinking of self as of less worth. Humility is not thinking of self at all, whether good or bad. Humility is thinking of others and seeking their advancement. To think about your condition and try to be humble is pride itself, for it is valuing self above all. Stop considering your humility and use your energies and confidence to help others.
There is nothing wrong with doing something well and knowing it—like music, art, sports, etc. Pride would be to use your successes to put others down and make them feel of less worth. It is fine to say, “I am the best violin player in the orchestra”—if it is well known to be the case; but then you should use your skill to raise the skill level of others and to encourage them. Then, if one of the others should surpass your skill, true humility would acknowledge that you are now second best and you would rejoice in their abilities while continuing to improve.
Poor-mouthing anyone, yourself or others, is pride. Lifting everyone up, others first and then yourself, is humility.
But then the truly humble person does not know he is humble, nor does he
care. To strive for humility and reach it is to arrive at pride. To strive for humility and not reach it is to wallow in self pity and condemnation, which is just another expression of pride.
Pursuing humility is like pursuing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It moves when you move and can never be attained. If one did pursue humility and actually attain it he would have forgotten his quest in service to others, and he would find not satisfaction in his success at humility. Wow, this is rather psychological for a ninth grader. Hope you can understand it. I must say, you caught my interest.
With tongue in cheek, I say, “Let me know when you get to be humble.”
Your friend,
Michael Pearl
9th Grader Seeks Humility
By: Michael Pearl
“I'm a homeschooled 9th grader. I have a question not related to child training. Is it possible to be humble, but confident at the same time? It seems that whenever I try to be humble, I lose all self confidence and self esteem and get so depressed... to the point where I cut myself. But then that's not very humble, is it? When I'm confident, I'm often prideful and it shows. If there is any way to be both humble and confident? Please let me know how to do it. I've prayed and my mom has prayed but that's about all.”
Dear Becky,
Humility is not the trait of thinking of self as of less worth. Humility is not thinking of self at all, whether good or bad. Humility is thinking of others and seeking their advancement. To think about your condition and try to be humble is pride itself, for it is valuing self above all. Stop considering your humility and use your energies and confidence to help others.
There is nothing wrong with doing something well and knowing it—like music, art, sports, etc. Pride would be to use your successes to put others down and make them feel of less worth. It is fine to say, “I am the best violin player in the orchestra”—if it is well known to be the case; but then you should use your skill to raise the skill level of others and to encourage them. Then, if one of the others should surpass your skill, true humility would acknowledge that you are now second best and you would rejoice in their abilities while continuing to improve.
Poor-mouthing anyone, yourself or others, is pride. Lifting everyone up, others first and then yourself, is humility.
But then the truly humble person does not know he is humble, nor does he
care. To strive for humility and reach it is to arrive at pride. To strive for humility and not reach it is to wallow in self pity and condemnation, which is just another expression of pride.
Pursuing humility is like pursuing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It moves when you move and can never be attained. If one did pursue humility and actually attain it he would have forgotten his quest in service to others, and he would find not satisfaction in his success at humility. Wow, this is rather psychological for a ninth grader. Hope you can understand it. I must say, you caught my interest.
With tongue in cheek, I say, “Let me know when you get to be humble.”
Your friend,
Michael Pearl
Thursday, October 25, 2007
If you can actually read, speak or understand Spanish, then click out of this NOW!! You are not allowed to read this blog - Jenny, Kristi, Kevin, Kandi, guys know who you are. If you know absolutely NOTHING about Spanish, then feel free to read so you will think I am actually learning something. The others will know the truth!
I used NO dictionary and asked for zero help with this. So it is what it is! Remember now, this is only 6 weeks - not 6 months.
Hola mis amigos? Como estan? Los extrano mucho! Vida en Costa Rica es muy divertida. A veces me gusta. Sin embargo, no me gusta a veces. Pero, en la escuela, tengo tres o cuatro amigas nuevas. Ellos son amables y lindas. Estoy agradecida a Dios para esta opportunidad. Estoy aprendiendo mas y mas cada dia. Yo no creo que puedo hablar espanol. WOW! Que bueno, verdad? Yo tengo tres maestras que son excellente. Mis hijos estan feliz en sus clases. Nuestra salud esta buena ahorita. Gracias a Dios. Tengo que ir dormir. Estoy muy cansada. Yo espero usted tiene una buena noche!
I used NO dictionary and asked for zero help with this. So it is what it is! Remember now, this is only 6 weeks - not 6 months.
Hola mis amigos? Como estan? Los extrano mucho! Vida en Costa Rica es muy divertida. A veces me gusta. Sin embargo, no me gusta a veces. Pero, en la escuela, tengo tres o cuatro amigas nuevas. Ellos son amables y lindas. Estoy agradecida a Dios para esta opportunidad. Estoy aprendiendo mas y mas cada dia. Yo no creo que puedo hablar espanol. WOW! Que bueno, verdad? Yo tengo tres maestras que son excellente. Mis hijos estan feliz en sus clases. Nuestra salud esta buena ahorita. Gracias a Dios. Tengo que ir dormir. Estoy muy cansada. Yo espero usted tiene una buena noche!
Who am I?
We had our mid-semester reviews this week! Fun, fun, fun! All was well for both of us, but John's teacher told him he needs to work on expanding his vocabulary! HA!!!! He has learned 370 verbs in 5 weeks and how to conjugate them ALL! Now he is working on other tenses of these verbs. There has yet to be a word that I have asked him that he didn't know! Sooo funny! I told him it must've been Satan talking! Totally NOT true! He didn't mention anything else that was told to him, but I am sure that it was super-duper great because he is amazing in every, single way.
I, on the other hand, was told the following:
I am friendly and sweet - my language teacher. She doesn't know me too well, huh? :)
I am a good student, but at times a bit distracted! WOW! I laughed so hard when my phonetics teacher read this to me. I said, "Yeh, I've kind of been hearing that my whole life and my kid's teachers have written that a time or two as well." What's that expression? "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
And last, my grammar teacher said I am friendly and a good student, but very competitive. Hehe....She said that in "her opinion" this is a good thing. I guess all those 5k's and marathons have gotten the best of me. I'm really trying NOT to be competetive, but it's mostly with myself and it's hard to hide that.
So my teacher's nailed me down pretty quickly - friendly, sweet, distracted and competitive! I guess there are worse things that could be said! I'll take them!
Oh yeh, I guess I should mention they said the language learning is going great for me. Can't leave that out of the equation.
P.S. Spell check is broke, so now you can see how I really spell!
I, on the other hand, was told the following:
I am friendly and sweet - my language teacher. She doesn't know me too well, huh? :)
I am a good student, but at times a bit distracted! WOW! I laughed so hard when my phonetics teacher read this to me. I said, "Yeh, I've kind of been hearing that my whole life and my kid's teachers have written that a time or two as well." What's that expression? "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
And last, my grammar teacher said I am friendly and a good student, but very competitive. Hehe....She said that in "her opinion" this is a good thing. I guess all those 5k's and marathons have gotten the best of me. I'm really trying NOT to be competetive, but it's mostly with myself and it's hard to hide that.
So my teacher's nailed me down pretty quickly - friendly, sweet, distracted and competitive! I guess there are worse things that could be said! I'll take them!
Oh yeh, I guess I should mention they said the language learning is going great for me. Can't leave that out of the equation.
P.S. Spell check is broke, so now you can see how I really spell!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
No more sickness - mostly
Life! We are getting back into it! Praise God! Ally was the only sick child left in the Pham household and I think she'll be going to school tomorrow. I felt terrible yesterday, but today was much better. Avery survived her 24 hours of vomitting and Jaxson made it through 6 days of a fever. Parker has a lingering headache, but is feeling pretty good besides that. John spiked a fever on Monday night, but he bounced back quickly. Boy, something like this illness makes us appreciate our health all the more.
Knee update: I've been having some problems with my knee since I went on the field trip last week. The trip included 8 hours each day on the bus and a boat - sitting - for 2 days in a row! My leg has had a hard time recovering and the hip pain has come back. YUCK! I saw the doctor today (first time in 6 weeks) and he said my leg is still very swollen and this is normal. The good doctor said that sitting that long in that position is hard even on good knees! He is, however, a wee-bit concerned that my hip is still hurting, but for now is chalking it up to overcompensating because of knee pain. Up until that trip everything was progressing wonderfully and he believes I can get back to that place in a few weeks. He put me on a strong round of anti-inflammatories and told me to continue therapy once a week and I will see him again in 3 weeks. After that, I will increase my activity again and we will see how my leg responds. He told me that although there is pain right now, he is VERY optimistic about running in the future. He said he wasn't optimistic before, but he said that he is now. I am pleased! I can continue light, low-impact exercises while I am waiting for the inflammation and pain to decrease. I am confident my leg will continue to heal.
Sorry there is nothing funny or exciting to report. :) But doesn't the possibility of me running again just make you smile! I'm wearing my marathon shirt, today, by the way. Only my running friends will care about this.
The weather here yesterday morning was 59 degrees. WOWSERS! That has nothing to do with anything, but I thought you just might like to know. It was colder than Christmas day in Florida. Hace Frio!
Knee update: I've been having some problems with my knee since I went on the field trip last week. The trip included 8 hours each day on the bus and a boat - sitting - for 2 days in a row! My leg has had a hard time recovering and the hip pain has come back. YUCK! I saw the doctor today (first time in 6 weeks) and he said my leg is still very swollen and this is normal. The good doctor said that sitting that long in that position is hard even on good knees! He is, however, a wee-bit concerned that my hip is still hurting, but for now is chalking it up to overcompensating because of knee pain. Up until that trip everything was progressing wonderfully and he believes I can get back to that place in a few weeks. He put me on a strong round of anti-inflammatories and told me to continue therapy once a week and I will see him again in 3 weeks. After that, I will increase my activity again and we will see how my leg responds. He told me that although there is pain right now, he is VERY optimistic about running in the future. He said he wasn't optimistic before, but he said that he is now. I am pleased! I can continue light, low-impact exercises while I am waiting for the inflammation and pain to decrease. I am confident my leg will continue to heal.
Sorry there is nothing funny or exciting to report. :) But doesn't the possibility of me running again just make you smile! I'm wearing my marathon shirt, today, by the way. Only my running friends will care about this.
The weather here yesterday morning was 59 degrees. WOWSERS! That has nothing to do with anything, but I thought you just might like to know. It was colder than Christmas day in Florida. Hace Frio!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
From John
John wrote:
Today is one of the hardest...
Wow, talk about a coincidence. Just as I started one of my rare posts, and I typed the words above, Parker came in our room crying. It's 9:30 pm and he has been asleep for about 2 hours. But his headache woke him up out of a dead sleep causing him to scream from the pain.
As I was saying, today was probably the hardest day I personally have had since we have been here. Kids are sick, Jessica is sick, I'm sick, I have a test tomorrow, we have to make the choice between keeping up with Spanish or staying home with our kids, cleaning up vomit, washing vomit filled cribs, cleaning up vomit glazed Avery. When I went out to take care of Parker, I found a bucket of vomit that we forgot to dispose of. You know things are out of control when disposing of a vomit filled bucket falls to the bottom of the priority list. But let's move on.
Learning Spanish is getting really hard. In my grammar class on Friday, I actually teared up out of frustration. If I wasn't sitting in the front row and my teacher wasn't right in front of me, I probably would have broken down and started crying right there in class. Up until the middle of last weeks, I was able to keep up and grasp everything, but Friday, I hit full capacity in the brain tank. On top of .... HOLD ON!!!
Sorry, I'm back. I had to put the computer down, because Parker and Avery were in the bathroom vomiting at the same time. Jessica went in to check on Avery just in time and took her to the bathroom and held her over the sink. Then Parker came in and made good use of the toilet because the headache pain was so grand that it made him vomit. 2 kids at one time - that's a first in the Pham house. Not a first to be proud of, but definitely a memory.
Anyways, what makes things challenging for me is this underlying urgency to learn everything all at once. Everyday that I don't know how to speak coherently in Spanish is one more day I can't present the Gospel to someone. So there's always this huge question going on in my mind. "Do I learn more verbs; should I take a break on the verbs and learn nouns; do I learn spiritual words first or everyday vocabulary; should I be learning Scripture, like the Roman Road; should I learn my testimony in Spanish." All of this on top of the daily homework and tests that we have in school.
I have never had a problem with prioritizing my work. Even when I was an engineer or a construction project manager. A myriad of projects and tasks needing to be done at the same time. Millions of dollars worth of construction to be managed. But no task has been as important as learning a language to be able to bring words of life to the lost. Every word we learn is a potential word of life to those around us.
But the huge blessing that is coming out of this is that I am becoming painfully aware that sometimes I have made the Gospel of Jesus Christ much more complicated than it needs to be. Because, all I need to learn to say in Spanish is that, "God loves us, Jesus died for us, He rose, He offers us forgiveness and fellowship with Him, and He wants to transform our lives."
Please pray for us as we take care of our family, learn language and learn what to learn first.
Today is one of the hardest...
Wow, talk about a coincidence. Just as I started one of my rare posts, and I typed the words above, Parker came in our room crying. It's 9:30 pm and he has been asleep for about 2 hours. But his headache woke him up out of a dead sleep causing him to scream from the pain.
As I was saying, today was probably the hardest day I personally have had since we have been here. Kids are sick, Jessica is sick, I'm sick, I have a test tomorrow, we have to make the choice between keeping up with Spanish or staying home with our kids, cleaning up vomit, washing vomit filled cribs, cleaning up vomit glazed Avery. When I went out to take care of Parker, I found a bucket of vomit that we forgot to dispose of. You know things are out of control when disposing of a vomit filled bucket falls to the bottom of the priority list. But let's move on.
Learning Spanish is getting really hard. In my grammar class on Friday, I actually teared up out of frustration. If I wasn't sitting in the front row and my teacher wasn't right in front of me, I probably would have broken down and started crying right there in class. Up until the middle of last weeks, I was able to keep up and grasp everything, but Friday, I hit full capacity in the brain tank. On top of .... HOLD ON!!!
Sorry, I'm back. I had to put the computer down, because Parker and Avery were in the bathroom vomiting at the same time. Jessica went in to check on Avery just in time and took her to the bathroom and held her over the sink. Then Parker came in and made good use of the toilet because the headache pain was so grand that it made him vomit. 2 kids at one time - that's a first in the Pham house. Not a first to be proud of, but definitely a memory.
Anyways, what makes things challenging for me is this underlying urgency to learn everything all at once. Everyday that I don't know how to speak coherently in Spanish is one more day I can't present the Gospel to someone. So there's always this huge question going on in my mind. "Do I learn more verbs; should I take a break on the verbs and learn nouns; do I learn spiritual words first or everyday vocabulary; should I be learning Scripture, like the Roman Road; should I learn my testimony in Spanish." All of this on top of the daily homework and tests that we have in school.
I have never had a problem with prioritizing my work. Even when I was an engineer or a construction project manager. A myriad of projects and tasks needing to be done at the same time. Millions of dollars worth of construction to be managed. But no task has been as important as learning a language to be able to bring words of life to the lost. Every word we learn is a potential word of life to those around us.
But the huge blessing that is coming out of this is that I am becoming painfully aware that sometimes I have made the Gospel of Jesus Christ much more complicated than it needs to be. Because, all I need to learn to say in Spanish is that, "God loves us, Jesus died for us, He rose, He offers us forgiveness and fellowship with Him, and He wants to transform our lives."
Please pray for us as we take care of our family, learn language and learn what to learn first.
We have it!!!
4 sick kids - at ONE time.
Parker - fever (yesterday) and a headache that is making him scream. Ugh...I feel so bad for him(He has the nasty one going around at school).
Ally - fever (last night) and a headache and achiness today. She's not screaming though!
Jaxson - fever and a rash - today.
Avery - Fever and vomiting - today.
Avery and Jaxson are DEFINITELY not going to school tomorrow. Avery is VERY, VERY sick. Not functionable. She can't even keep her head up. Jaxson is functionable, but still contagious b/c of the fever. The other 2 say they don't feel well, but no fevers today!
They kept us on our toes this afternoon. The challenge was Avery vomiting and needing to be held constantly. One of us continuously had our hands full of either clothes to be washed or a precious baby needing loving.
We are going to sleep with slight headaches and mild nauseousness. John said today was the first day that he wanted to go home. There are bound to be days like this.
We called the Empleada and told her to take the day off tomorrow, so I will be home with at least 2 of the kids - ALONE- for the first time in about 2 months. I am very much looking forward to it. I just wish it were under better circumstances
Parker - fever (yesterday) and a headache that is making him scream. Ugh...I feel so bad for him(He has the nasty one going around at school).
Ally - fever (last night) and a headache and achiness today. She's not screaming though!
Jaxson - fever and a rash - today.
Avery - Fever and vomiting - today.
Avery and Jaxson are DEFINITELY not going to school tomorrow. Avery is VERY, VERY sick. Not functionable. She can't even keep her head up. Jaxson is functionable, but still contagious b/c of the fever. The other 2 say they don't feel well, but no fevers today!
They kept us on our toes this afternoon. The challenge was Avery vomiting and needing to be held constantly. One of us continuously had our hands full of either clothes to be washed or a precious baby needing loving.
We are going to sleep with slight headaches and mild nauseousness. John said today was the first day that he wanted to go home. There are bound to be days like this.
We called the Empleada and told her to take the day off tomorrow, so I will be home with at least 2 of the kids - ALONE- for the first time in about 2 months. I am very much looking forward to it. I just wish it were under better circumstances
Today is our 3 month anniversary of our arrival in Costa Rica. Does this mean probation is over? :) Hopefully, the next 9 will go by as quickly so we can being the journey in Lima, Peru with the people God has called us too.
Happy 3 month anniversary. Thank you for your faithfulness and provision, God!
And thank you to EVERYONE who has ever given to Lottie Moon! We couldn't be here without you.
Happy 3 month anniversary. Thank you for your faithfulness and provision, God!
And thank you to EVERYONE who has ever given to Lottie Moon! We couldn't be here without you.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Make me some dinner, please
Tonight when I was at the Bible study at my neighbor's house, I said to her in Spanish, "We should have you over to our house to eat dinner." Well, that's what I thought I was saying. What I actually said was, "We should have you over to our house to cook dinner."
No wonder she looked at my like I was crazy. It took a few minutes, but we finally got it straightened out through the laughter. But hey, she is welcome to come over and cook for us, too! :)
Cocinar(to cook) and Comer (to eat) are the verbs and they are similar, right?
I told her that I am smart in English, but I am not smart in Spanish. She got a kick out of that one. And I proved it to her by using the wrong verb, yet again (soy or estoy) when I was telling her I am not smart. :) HAAAA!!! Spanish is soooooo humbling.
Parker and Jaxson are sick with the fever virus. Praise God no vomiting or major headaches yet. Ally isn't acting well and I haven't felt great, but we are functionable. It could be sooo much worse, as it has been for my fellow classmates, and I am praying that it won't get that way.
On a completely different subject, I made my VERY first A on a grammar test. It was a test that was 2 pages of sentence writing on something called parifrasis. I made a 97 - A. Can you believe it? It is totally the Lord. I studied less this week, pursued Him more and placed my family above school and studying and HE totally gave me the A I had been pursuing. WOW! And I had a test in language class today. I only missed one - another A!! I had to name all the parts of the body, the classroom and the house. I was having a hard time remembering the names for pillow, bed, mattress, etc... I prayed she would NOT ask me these questions. And guess what? She didn't. But she did ask the other girls in my class, but not me. WOW! Another blessing from the Lord.
No wonder she looked at my like I was crazy. It took a few minutes, but we finally got it straightened out through the laughter. But hey, she is welcome to come over and cook for us, too! :)
Cocinar(to cook) and Comer (to eat) are the verbs and they are similar, right?
I told her that I am smart in English, but I am not smart in Spanish. She got a kick out of that one. And I proved it to her by using the wrong verb, yet again (soy or estoy) when I was telling her I am not smart. :) HAAAA!!! Spanish is soooooo humbling.
Parker and Jaxson are sick with the fever virus. Praise God no vomiting or major headaches yet. Ally isn't acting well and I haven't felt great, but we are functionable. It could be sooo much worse, as it has been for my fellow classmates, and I am praying that it won't get that way.
On a completely different subject, I made my VERY first A on a grammar test. It was a test that was 2 pages of sentence writing on something called parifrasis. I made a 97 - A. Can you believe it? It is totally the Lord. I studied less this week, pursued Him more and placed my family above school and studying and HE totally gave me the A I had been pursuing. WOW! And I had a test in language class today. I only missed one - another A!! I had to name all the parts of the body, the classroom and the house. I was having a hard time remembering the names for pillow, bed, mattress, etc... I prayed she would NOT ask me these questions. And guess what? She didn't. But she did ask the other girls in my class, but not me. WOW! Another blessing from the Lord.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
My dad
I received a package from my grandmother, dad and aunt today. My dad had packaged it up and sent if off. It was wrapped up in an Asics box. Before I left we picked out a pair of Asics shoes together. When John saw the box he said, "That is your dad's shoe box."
I said, "My dad touched this box." And then I held it close. He wrapped it and packaged it and it even had his hand writing on it.
It is the closest I will get to him until December when he comes to visit. Praise God! But it was nice to have him in my arms...even if it came in the form of an Asics box.
I said, "My dad touched this box." And then I held it close. He wrapped it and packaged it and it even had his hand writing on it.
It is the closest I will get to him until December when he comes to visit. Praise God! But it was nice to have him in my arms...even if it came in the form of an Asics box.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
My Prayer
Everyday a student in my class has to pray. So far, it has only been in English. I decided I would like to pray in Spanish tomorrow so I wrote this prayer to help me along. I'm not yet to the point where this would easily roll from my brain to my tongue. However, here is the prayer I wrote. I am waiting for my friend, Jenny, to call me back so that she can tell me all the things that are incorrect and need to be changed - I'm sure there are quite a few. I will post the corrections as well (later), so you can see the error(s) (and there are many) of my ways. But here goes nothing. My VERY first prayer in Spanish. Never dreamed this would happen. Even if it's not TOTALLY correct, or partially correct, or mostly incorrect, at least God understands. :)
Senor, eres poderoso. Eres fiel. Gracias por esto dia. Gracias que usted amor nosotros. Yo oro que usted puede ayuder nosotros que espanol. Gracias por todos los estudiantes en esta clase. Gracias por nosotros maestra, Laura. Por favor, ayuda ella a ensenar nosotros. Senor, nosotros damos nuestros vidas a usted. En el nombre de Jesus, yo oro todos las cosas.
Father, you are powerful. You are faithful. Thank you for this day. Thank you that you love us. I pray that you can help us with Spanish. Thank you for all of the students in this class. Thank you for our teacher, Laura. Please, help her to teach us. We give our lives to you. In the name of Jesus I pray all of these things. Amen!
Here is the correct version:
Senor, tu eres poderoso. Tu eres fiel. Gracias por este dia. Gracias por tu amor. Oro que puedas ayudarnos a aprender espanol. Gracias por todos los estudiantes en esta clase. Gracias por nuestra maestra, Laura. Por favor, ayudala como nos ensena. Senor, nosotros te damos nuestras vidas. En el nombre de Jesus, oro todas estas cosas. Amen!
Senor, eres poderoso. Eres fiel. Gracias por esto dia. Gracias que usted amor nosotros. Yo oro que usted puede ayuder nosotros que espanol. Gracias por todos los estudiantes en esta clase. Gracias por nosotros maestra, Laura. Por favor, ayuda ella a ensenar nosotros. Senor, nosotros damos nuestros vidas a usted. En el nombre de Jesus, yo oro todos las cosas.
Father, you are powerful. You are faithful. Thank you for this day. Thank you that you love us. I pray that you can help us with Spanish. Thank you for all of the students in this class. Thank you for our teacher, Laura. Please, help her to teach us. We give our lives to you. In the name of Jesus I pray all of these things. Amen!
Here is the correct version:
Senor, tu eres poderoso. Tu eres fiel. Gracias por este dia. Gracias por tu amor. Oro que puedas ayudarnos a aprender espanol. Gracias por todos los estudiantes en esta clase. Gracias por nuestra maestra, Laura. Por favor, ayudala como nos ensena. Senor, nosotros te damos nuestras vidas. En el nombre de Jesus, oro todas estas cosas. Amen!
Prayer Harder Next Time
If I owe you an e-mail I only have one word for you: GRACE!!!! I will respond, but it might not exactly be this year.
Thanks for praying about the virus that's going around. I guess you didn't pray hard enough! Totally kidding.
After school, Jaxson came home and went straight to bed, on his own accord. Yeh, that like happens every day. So I knew something was up then. He didn't eat lunch or dinner and then I decided to actually look in his eyes. The red, hazy, this is no fun look, kind of gave it away. He had a 102.5 fever, which is relatively low for a Pham kid. We like to get them up in the 104's - 105's. Nonetheless, he is sick and this is part of that funky headache, stomach ache virus thingy that is going around at school. Praise God, though, this is the first sickness (besides Avery) that my kids have had since April! That is God, for sure!
Since your first prayers obviously weren't rooted in enough faith (totally kidding, again), you can now pray that the rest of us will be protected. I did name it and claim it today, but God really isn't a pez dispenser. :)
Okay, I'm kind of in a joking mood, please don't take my sarcasm for anything serious. It's all in good fun, my friends.
Before I go, here are 3 places I would pay $100 a piece to visit: The Olive Garden (I can taste the salad and breadsticks, Starbucks (a Moca Frappucinno - the slushy kind that tastes like pure sugar), and Target, I miss everything about that place, especially their really thrifty clearance sales.
Thanks for praying about the virus that's going around. I guess you didn't pray hard enough! Totally kidding.
After school, Jaxson came home and went straight to bed, on his own accord. Yeh, that like happens every day. So I knew something was up then. He didn't eat lunch or dinner and then I decided to actually look in his eyes. The red, hazy, this is no fun look, kind of gave it away. He had a 102.5 fever, which is relatively low for a Pham kid. We like to get them up in the 104's - 105's. Nonetheless, he is sick and this is part of that funky headache, stomach ache virus thingy that is going around at school. Praise God, though, this is the first sickness (besides Avery) that my kids have had since April! That is God, for sure!
Since your first prayers obviously weren't rooted in enough faith (totally kidding, again), you can now pray that the rest of us will be protected. I did name it and claim it today, but God really isn't a pez dispenser. :)
Okay, I'm kind of in a joking mood, please don't take my sarcasm for anything serious. It's all in good fun, my friends.
Before I go, here are 3 places I would pay $100 a piece to visit: The Olive Garden (I can taste the salad and breadsticks, Starbucks (a Moca Frappucinno - the slushy kind that tastes like pure sugar), and Target, I miss everything about that place, especially their really thrifty clearance sales.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Please Pray
John wrote:
I would like to ask you, our friend and partners, to pray on behalf of a dear friend of ours. At our appointment service in California a young pastor, named Stephen Jones, walked up to us and, after getting to know us, offered to have his church partner with us. Since that time, he has turned into a great friend. Their church, First Baptist Church of Yucca Valley has really taken care of us. They have truly loved on us.
Please be in prayer for Stephen's son Dylan, who will be having open heart surgery next Tuesday, Oct. 23. Dylan is almost two years old and has a condition called an “Atrial Septal Defect” (ASD). This means he has a hole between the two upper chambers of his heart which causes it to work inefficiently. Because of the hole’s size and location, the only way for the doctors to fix the problem is to give him general anesthesia, cut into his chest, and patch the hole in his heart. During the surgery, his blood will be pumped through a heart-lung machine. The whole process, from start to finish, is expected to take about three hours.
To me this all seems pretty scary, but Stephen's attitude is, “In everything give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:18) and "God is in control." What a great encouragement.
Thank you for your prayers.
I would like to ask you, our friend and partners, to pray on behalf of a dear friend of ours. At our appointment service in California a young pastor, named Stephen Jones, walked up to us and, after getting to know us, offered to have his church partner with us. Since that time, he has turned into a great friend. Their church, First Baptist Church of Yucca Valley has really taken care of us. They have truly loved on us.
Please be in prayer for Stephen's son Dylan, who will be having open heart surgery next Tuesday, Oct. 23. Dylan is almost two years old and has a condition called an “Atrial Septal Defect” (ASD). This means he has a hole between the two upper chambers of his heart which causes it to work inefficiently. Because of the hole’s size and location, the only way for the doctors to fix the problem is to give him general anesthesia, cut into his chest, and patch the hole in his heart. During the surgery, his blood will be pumped through a heart-lung machine. The whole process, from start to finish, is expected to take about three hours.
To me this all seems pretty scary, but Stephen's attitude is, “In everything give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:18) and "God is in control." What a great encouragement.
Thank you for your prayers.
A Blog
Blogging takes time - something I don't have much of right now. Not really sure why! Maybe it has something to do with 4 awesome children, a honey and language school. Oh yeh, and lots of homework. God is helping me to do everything in moderation. I'm so much of an all or nothing person. So, my blogs will probably be less frequent until I become fluent or inherit more time in the day. Neither of which are bound to happen anytime soon.
Anyway, there are MANY families in our school that have the vomiting virus. So far we are free from it, but it is spreading like a plague. I ask you to please pray for these families, their quick recovery (several people have had to go the hospital) and that WE will be protected from it.
Okay, the exciting news for the day............
going to hang out with my Tica girlfriends on Sunday afternoon. WOOHOO! I'm sure you thought I was going to say I'm pregant. Sorry to disappoint you. That would be cool, but for now, my good news is that I am meeting my friends at the centro commercial (mall) at 4 p.m. I told them to bring their patience because they will need a lot of it to try to talk to me in Spanish. Of course, they already know this.
In other news, a taxi driver gave me his phone number today. He is 40 and single and he KNOWS I am married. I guess that didn't deter him from going for it anyway. I chuckled and then tossed his number in the trash. But I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me feel good - even for just a few seconds. :)
Lastly (okay, that's not even a word), I am going to my neighbor's Bible study, finally, on Friday afternoon. I've been trying to get there for like 4 weeks. I am looking forward to learning God's word in this new language. When I went over to my neighbor's yesterday to chat in Spanish, she spent more time laughing at me than talking to me. It is funny, but the truth is that it is very humbling to be smart in English and "not so smart" in Spanish.
Thanks for your prayers! They sustain us throughout these days.
Anyway, there are MANY families in our school that have the vomiting virus. So far we are free from it, but it is spreading like a plague. I ask you to please pray for these families, their quick recovery (several people have had to go the hospital) and that WE will be protected from it.
Okay, the exciting news for the day............
going to hang out with my Tica girlfriends on Sunday afternoon. WOOHOO! I'm sure you thought I was going to say I'm pregant. Sorry to disappoint you. That would be cool, but for now, my good news is that I am meeting my friends at the centro commercial (mall) at 4 p.m. I told them to bring their patience because they will need a lot of it to try to talk to me in Spanish. Of course, they already know this.
In other news, a taxi driver gave me his phone number today. He is 40 and single and he KNOWS I am married. I guess that didn't deter him from going for it anyway. I chuckled and then tossed his number in the trash. But I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me feel good - even for just a few seconds. :)
Lastly (okay, that's not even a word), I am going to my neighbor's Bible study, finally, on Friday afternoon. I've been trying to get there for like 4 weeks. I am looking forward to learning God's word in this new language. When I went over to my neighbor's yesterday to chat in Spanish, she spent more time laughing at me than talking to me. It is funny, but the truth is that it is very humbling to be smart in English and "not so smart" in Spanish.
Thanks for your prayers! They sustain us throughout these days.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
God's Creation
The kids (Parker and Ally) and I returned from a 2 day, 1 night field trip to Tortugeuro Islands. More green turtles nest their eggs in this location than anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere. It took almost 4 hours by bus and 3.5 hours by boat to arrive to our "lodge." The boat ride was incredible and full of all of God's most incredible creatures. I took over 500 pictures, but I'm still behind in posting last weeks pictures, so maybe tomorrow. I did get to spend great time with Parker and Ally while John held down the fort and enjoyed himself with our littlest two.
While on our excursion we saw bats, crocodiles, parakeets, iguanas, sloths, monkeys, tucans, lots of wild and rare birds, a Jesus Christ lizard, a poisonous tree frog, baby turtles making their way to the ocean and the beauty of God's creation. It is one thing to see these animals in a zoo, but an entirely different experience to gaze upon them in their natural environment. I just kept looking at all that the Lord has made and wondering how anyone could ever see all of this and STILL deny Him. It seems impossible.
On another note, God is continuing to show me so much about him and myself everyday. This journey has been harder for me than I ever imagined - on many different levels. It is good, but very hard. But I did want to share on a general level, that in every struggle I have had, no matter what it is, He has met me exactly where I need Him too EXACTLY when I needed Him too. And most of the time, I don't even have to ask. He is just right there helping me. This week he brought an awesome woman named Sheila Dudney into my life at the perfect moment on the day when I needed her the most. She came over to my house the next day to help me get my "priorities" in order. In my old life (that is what I call pre Costa Rica days), no one would have ever had to come to my rescue like this (I would've been helping someone else with these challenges), but in my new life, I am humbled and broken and in desperate need of help. Not where I LIKE to be, but where God has me. But yet I am so dependent and needy for Him! So this is a good place. Anyway, her presence was just an example of God's provision. After she left, I had such a peace and a newer perspective. I am so thankful that even though this journey is often painful and challenging, it has brought me to an entirely different place with the Lord. I can't remember the last time I just cried out to Him for everything and knew that making it through this is not up to me, but will only happen with His help.
While on our excursion we saw bats, crocodiles, parakeets, iguanas, sloths, monkeys, tucans, lots of wild and rare birds, a Jesus Christ lizard, a poisonous tree frog, baby turtles making their way to the ocean and the beauty of God's creation. It is one thing to see these animals in a zoo, but an entirely different experience to gaze upon them in their natural environment. I just kept looking at all that the Lord has made and wondering how anyone could ever see all of this and STILL deny Him. It seems impossible.
On another note, God is continuing to show me so much about him and myself everyday. This journey has been harder for me than I ever imagined - on many different levels. It is good, but very hard. But I did want to share on a general level, that in every struggle I have had, no matter what it is, He has met me exactly where I need Him too EXACTLY when I needed Him too. And most of the time, I don't even have to ask. He is just right there helping me. This week he brought an awesome woman named Sheila Dudney into my life at the perfect moment on the day when I needed her the most. She came over to my house the next day to help me get my "priorities" in order. In my old life (that is what I call pre Costa Rica days), no one would have ever had to come to my rescue like this (I would've been helping someone else with these challenges), but in my new life, I am humbled and broken and in desperate need of help. Not where I LIKE to be, but where God has me. But yet I am so dependent and needy for Him! So this is a good place. Anyway, her presence was just an example of God's provision. After she left, I had such a peace and a newer perspective. I am so thankful that even though this journey is often painful and challenging, it has brought me to an entirely different place with the Lord. I can't remember the last time I just cried out to Him for everything and knew that making it through this is not up to me, but will only happen with His help.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
An Afternoon Delight
It has rained almost all day every day and even into the night since Sunday. This afternoon it let up and we were able to do something normal. Parker, Ally and Jaxson and I took a walk to a local gym to check it out. It was on a side of town we have never seen, so the scenery was a nice change as well. Ally even mentioned how pretty it was over there. It's not really, but just getting out of the house made even the city streets look beautiful. On our way back, we stopped at the local bakery for some juice and cookies. This is how I bribed them to take a walk with me. We all held hands as we were walking and it felt soooo good - soooo normal. It felt like it use to be when I was home with them all of the time. We talked and laughed and dodged stray dogs. We even stopped in a local park to play freeze tag. Parker has been waiting for 9 months to play freeze tag with me because I haven't been able too because of my leg. They even went down the big metal slide, but Parker said he couldn't because it "freaks him out." This afternoon was a little piece of heaven right here in Costa Rica. I couldn't help but to keep thanking God for this special time with them.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Spanish on the Phone - Not sooo great!!
I had my first phone conversation in Spanish tonight.
Okay, let me rephrase that...I attempted to have my first phone conversation in Spanish tonight. I spent most of the time laughing because I really can't speak well yet. I was talking to my new, and very patient national friend, Lucrecia. She sounded really happy that I called and was very patient with my continual, "Disculpe. Un momento and perdon?" Not one sentence came from my mouth that she didn't have to correct. Then,I kept having to look up words in the dictionary WHILE she was waiting for me to figure out what she said or while I figured out what I was going to say next. Yes, that means there was silence on the other end....and laughter, of course. But it must not have been too terrible because she DID invite me and the kids over to go swimming in her pool. She said we'll set the date on Monday when I see her again. Okay, she might not have said that, but that is what I'm hoping! :) Piscina is pool, right? And Lunes is Monday? :)
During training with the IMB, they mentioned we would find a person of peace - someone who is very friendly, warm, helpful, inviting and wants to help us in all sorts of ways. A person who opens up doors with language learning and ministry. I think Lucrecia definitely might be my person of peace for language learning. I can't imagine why she would want to hang out or talk with me since it's ridiculously broken Spanish and time consuming to talk (not to mention painful) but nonetheless (thanks Lord), she persists! And so shall I!
Okay, let me rephrase that...I attempted to have my first phone conversation in Spanish tonight. I spent most of the time laughing because I really can't speak well yet. I was talking to my new, and very patient national friend, Lucrecia. She sounded really happy that I called and was very patient with my continual, "Disculpe. Un momento and perdon?" Not one sentence came from my mouth that she didn't have to correct. Then,I kept having to look up words in the dictionary WHILE she was waiting for me to figure out what she said or while I figured out what I was going to say next. Yes, that means there was silence on the other end....and laughter, of course. But it must not have been too terrible because she DID invite me and the kids over to go swimming in her pool. She said we'll set the date on Monday when I see her again. Okay, she might not have said that, but that is what I'm hoping! :) Piscina is pool, right? And Lunes is Monday? :)
During training with the IMB, they mentioned we would find a person of peace - someone who is very friendly, warm, helpful, inviting and wants to help us in all sorts of ways. A person who opens up doors with language learning and ministry. I think Lucrecia definitely might be my person of peace for language learning. I can't imagine why she would want to hang out or talk with me since it's ridiculously broken Spanish and time consuming to talk (not to mention painful) but nonetheless (thanks Lord), she persists! And so shall I!
Our Trip
Here are pictures of the INSIDE of where we stayed! We took over 700 pictures so LOTS of slideshows to come. But here's the first since I know you've lost sleep over this!
When we arrived they had our name next to the door on little block letters. The fireplace was crackling, the classical music was whispering throughout the entire room (and bathroom). But it was the aroma of the aromatherapy in the bathroom that knocked my socks off. Or was it the free 30 minute message. No, it must've been the view or the hot-tubs. No, I think it was the princess canopy bed that did it for me.
When we arrived they had our name next to the door on little block letters. The fireplace was crackling, the classical music was whispering throughout the entire room (and bathroom). But it was the aroma of the aromatherapy in the bathroom that knocked my socks off. Or was it the free 30 minute message. No, it must've been the view or the hot-tubs. No, I think it was the princess canopy bed that did it for me.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Perfect and Improving
Our weekend:
Romantic! Peaceful! Spoiled! Relaxing! Perfect!
The most beautiful place on the planet!
It was the most perfect dreamed I've ever lived.
And we were reminded of why we married each other 10 years ago.
We walked for miles and hours up and down the side of the mountain. I'm virtually pain free! I only have to go to therapy 1 time a week now. The progress in the past week has been fast and furious. My therapist said that it is God! :) She is not even a believer, but still recognizes His power. I am so excited to feel normalcy in my leg. I'm walking and sitting and climbing and bending! The therapist said I can possibly run in January or February - maybe before, but for now I have to keep my eyes on next year. Praise God! I'm so glad I had the surgery and I really feel that in a few more months it will be as if this year of pain never even existed.
Romantic! Peaceful! Spoiled! Relaxing! Perfect!
The most beautiful place on the planet!
It was the most perfect dreamed I've ever lived.
And we were reminded of why we married each other 10 years ago.
We walked for miles and hours up and down the side of the mountain. I'm virtually pain free! I only have to go to therapy 1 time a week now. The progress in the past week has been fast and furious. My therapist said that it is God! :) She is not even a believer, but still recognizes His power. I am so excited to feel normalcy in my leg. I'm walking and sitting and climbing and bending! The therapist said I can possibly run in January or February - maybe before, but for now I have to keep my eyes on next year. Praise God! I'm so glad I had the surgery and I really feel that in a few more months it will be as if this year of pain never even existed.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Hasta Luego
I spent about an hour last night writing a blog and right when I went to post it, the internet connection terminated. FRUSTRATION!!! So I apologize for this quick letter with feeling. :)
Thank you to ALL the nice people who have e-mailed this week words of encouragement and nice getting to know you letters. I am very far behind in e-mails, as always, and I will respond when time allows.
But it WON'T be this weekend, because me and my honey are going to La Paz (a waterfall and butterfly gardens) to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Yep, this year, we are married for 10 years. Our anniversary isn't this weekend, but this weekend worked out for us to be able to go. I will post pictures when we return. Check out where we are going at Our room will be 800 square feet - 150 bigger than our house. It will have a private hot-tub, hammock on the balcony and a man-made waterfall IN the room. SWEET! We are so grateful God gave us each other. I will definitely take lots of pictures so that you can live vicariously through us. Plus, you might want to go there for your own special occasion.
Also, here are the girls I go to school with. We are together from 7:30 - 12:00 p.m. everyday. Since I spend more time with them than with anyone else, I thought you might like to see them.
Keely, Jennifer (due in 2 weeks), Rhonda, Jessica and Maestra Rita!
Thank you to ALL the nice people who have e-mailed this week words of encouragement and nice getting to know you letters. I am very far behind in e-mails, as always, and I will respond when time allows.
But it WON'T be this weekend, because me and my honey are going to La Paz (a waterfall and butterfly gardens) to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Yep, this year, we are married for 10 years. Our anniversary isn't this weekend, but this weekend worked out for us to be able to go. I will post pictures when we return. Check out where we are going at Our room will be 800 square feet - 150 bigger than our house. It will have a private hot-tub, hammock on the balcony and a man-made waterfall IN the room. SWEET! We are so grateful God gave us each other. I will definitely take lots of pictures so that you can live vicariously through us. Plus, you might want to go there for your own special occasion.
Also, here are the girls I go to school with. We are together from 7:30 - 12:00 p.m. everyday. Since I spend more time with them than with anyone else, I thought you might like to see them.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Pressing On
I woke up this morning with a fresh sense of God’s grace. “His mercies are new every morning” was the first thing that popped into my mind as I struggled to crawl out of my comfy-cozy bed. I was filled with peace as I set out for the day. I was anxiously desiring to have intimate time with God before the hustle and bustle of the day started.
In the Bible Study I am doing, the question (not a coincidence, of course), was as follows:
Q: “How can we be sure that we won’t sacrifice something wonderful or something of value if we adopt the ultimate goal of following God?
What a perfect question as I am struggling with the sacrifice of ALL that is familiar to me: my friends, family and role as a stay-at-home mom.
The question then pointed me to Mathew 6:33 “Seek first His kindgom and His righteousness and all these things will be given (or added) to you.”
In short, my focus should not be on what I am giving up, but on God’s kingdom and He will fill in the rest in His time. However, the promise is that He will fill it all in. It’s one thing for me to know these things, but it is an entirely different story for me to live them out.
God also pointed me to Phillipians 3:12-14 where Paul talks about pressing on toward the goal and THE ONE THING HE DOES. He says “not that I have already attained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of for me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But the one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
I was struck! He says the one thing he does….the one thing that is vital is to forget what is behind him. And I noticed he didn’t say he just moves on. He says he “strains” toward the prize. Meaning to me, that it probably wasn’t an easy road to forget what was behind if he was straining toward what was ahead, but he pressed on, nonetheless. So, I purposed today to turn my eyes to Lima, Peru and the life we will make there; the ministry God is placing us in; the people we will hopefully share Christ with; and the family of believers that are waiting for us. I HAVE to strain towards this and NOT look back. I probably have the most clarity and peace I've had regarding this during this process. Please remind me of this if I start looking back again.
I had physical therapy again today. Rosa, my favorite therapist and my friend, told me that when I first came 4 weeks ago, my Spanish was HORRIBLE! Today, she said my Spanish is improving a lot and that she can understand almost everything I say. I asked her about my grammar and she said it is okay. Not terrible, but not perfect. I can only speak in present tense, but I am SAYING SOOO much. I have had conversations about home-schooling, hanging out and cultural issues. God TRULY is helping me to learn 50-80 words a day, to retain them and then to apply them in sentences. This is truly God because I have a TERRIBLE memory.
At the end of our session, I told Rosa that I really didn’t want to come to therapy anymore (time isssues), but that I love coming to talk to her and I also know that I need to continue so my leg will get better. She said something in a Spanish that I didn’t understand. She then, in broken English, said, “You are our favorite patient.” Awwww…..melt my heart. If I could’ve skipped home, I certainly would’ve. Two great comments in ten minutes. Such a change from yesterday.
In the Bible Study I am doing, the question (not a coincidence, of course), was as follows:
Q: “How can we be sure that we won’t sacrifice something wonderful or something of value if we adopt the ultimate goal of following God?
What a perfect question as I am struggling with the sacrifice of ALL that is familiar to me: my friends, family and role as a stay-at-home mom.
The question then pointed me to Mathew 6:33 “Seek first His kindgom and His righteousness and all these things will be given (or added) to you.”
In short, my focus should not be on what I am giving up, but on God’s kingdom and He will fill in the rest in His time. However, the promise is that He will fill it all in. It’s one thing for me to know these things, but it is an entirely different story for me to live them out.
God also pointed me to Phillipians 3:12-14 where Paul talks about pressing on toward the goal and THE ONE THING HE DOES. He says “not that I have already attained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of for me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But the one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
I was struck! He says the one thing he does….the one thing that is vital is to forget what is behind him. And I noticed he didn’t say he just moves on. He says he “strains” toward the prize. Meaning to me, that it probably wasn’t an easy road to forget what was behind if he was straining toward what was ahead, but he pressed on, nonetheless. So, I purposed today to turn my eyes to Lima, Peru and the life we will make there; the ministry God is placing us in; the people we will hopefully share Christ with; and the family of believers that are waiting for us. I HAVE to strain towards this and NOT look back. I probably have the most clarity and peace I've had regarding this during this process. Please remind me of this if I start looking back again.
I had physical therapy again today. Rosa, my favorite therapist and my friend, told me that when I first came 4 weeks ago, my Spanish was HORRIBLE! Today, she said my Spanish is improving a lot and that she can understand almost everything I say. I asked her about my grammar and she said it is okay. Not terrible, but not perfect. I can only speak in present tense, but I am SAYING SOOO much. I have had conversations about home-schooling, hanging out and cultural issues. God TRULY is helping me to learn 50-80 words a day, to retain them and then to apply them in sentences. This is truly God because I have a TERRIBLE memory.
At the end of our session, I told Rosa that I really didn’t want to come to therapy anymore (time isssues), but that I love coming to talk to her and I also know that I need to continue so my leg will get better. She said something in a Spanish that I didn’t understand. She then, in broken English, said, “You are our favorite patient.” Awwww…..melt my heart. If I could’ve skipped home, I certainly would’ve. Two great comments in ten minutes. Such a change from yesterday.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
A Day
I had a hard day today! God worked out the situation, but it was still emotionally draining nonetheless. I am becoming more and more aware of Satan's schemes to attack and steal my joy. I did get to see John cry tears for me because he was very sad as well for the situation. He hardly ever cries (maybe like 5 times in 10 years), so this really meant a lot to me.
My heart, today more than ever, just longed for the comfort of my familiar friends who love and accept me. There is just something special about friends you have grown with over the years. I ached to get in my car and drive to Publix with the kids so that they could get snack-packs and I could get a diet-coke and some sushi. I mentioned it to the kids and they all started crying. Not a good idea to bring up stuff like that!
So I took a nap because I had worn myself out emotionally. I guess I cried ALL through my nap because I woke up with wet eyes and a sniffly nose. UGH!!
I went over to my friend Paula's house for about an hour and she was "skyping" her mom. That only brought tears to my eyes to see "HER" mom. Just a reminder of how much I miss my parents and would love to see their faces- and the faces of all my friends and family. It did bring a smile to my face to see her parents, though.
So, I guess God is teaching me to be content in ALL situations. Not so easy!! The pain of being away from all my loved ones for years to come is almost suffocating. I asked John today if he thought it would get any easier for me. He sure hopes so.
This is a void that ONLY God can fill.
My heart, today more than ever, just longed for the comfort of my familiar friends who love and accept me. There is just something special about friends you have grown with over the years. I ached to get in my car and drive to Publix with the kids so that they could get snack-packs and I could get a diet-coke and some sushi. I mentioned it to the kids and they all started crying. Not a good idea to bring up stuff like that!
So I took a nap because I had worn myself out emotionally. I guess I cried ALL through my nap because I woke up with wet eyes and a sniffly nose. UGH!!
I went over to my friend Paula's house for about an hour and she was "skyping" her mom. That only brought tears to my eyes to see "HER" mom. Just a reminder of how much I miss my parents and would love to see their faces- and the faces of all my friends and family. It did bring a smile to my face to see her parents, though.
So, I guess God is teaching me to be content in ALL situations. Not so easy!! The pain of being away from all my loved ones for years to come is almost suffocating. I asked John today if he thought it would get any easier for me. He sure hopes so.
This is a void that ONLY God can fill.
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