Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Pressing On

I woke up this morning with a fresh sense of God’s grace. “His mercies are new every morning” was the first thing that popped into my mind as I struggled to crawl out of my comfy-cozy bed. I was filled with peace as I set out for the day. I was anxiously desiring to have intimate time with God before the hustle and bustle of the day started.

In the Bible Study I am doing, the question (not a coincidence, of course), was as follows:

Q: “How can we be sure that we won’t sacrifice something wonderful or something of value if we adopt the ultimate goal of following God?

What a perfect question as I am struggling with the sacrifice of ALL that is familiar to me: my friends, family and role as a stay-at-home mom.

The question then pointed me to Mathew 6:33 “Seek first His kindgom and His righteousness and all these things will be given (or added) to you.”

In short, my focus should not be on what I am giving up, but on God’s kingdom and He will fill in the rest in His time. However, the promise is that He will fill it all in. It’s one thing for me to know these things, but it is an entirely different story for me to live them out.

God also pointed me to Phillipians 3:12-14 where Paul talks about pressing on toward the goal and THE ONE THING HE DOES. He says “not that I have already attained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of for me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But the one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

I was struck! He says the one thing he does….the one thing that is vital is to forget what is behind him. And I noticed he didn’t say he just moves on. He says he “strains” toward the prize. Meaning to me, that it probably wasn’t an easy road to forget what was behind if he was straining toward what was ahead, but he pressed on, nonetheless. So, I purposed today to turn my eyes to Lima, Peru and the life we will make there; the ministry God is placing us in; the people we will hopefully share Christ with; and the family of believers that are waiting for us. I HAVE to strain towards this and NOT look back. I probably have the most clarity and peace I've had regarding this during this process. Please remind me of this if I start looking back again.

I had physical therapy again today. Rosa, my favorite therapist and my friend, told me that when I first came 4 weeks ago, my Spanish was HORRIBLE! Today, she said my Spanish is improving a lot and that she can understand almost everything I say. I asked her about my grammar and she said it is okay. Not terrible, but not perfect. I can only speak in present tense, but I am SAYING SOOO much. I have had conversations about home-schooling, hanging out and cultural issues. God TRULY is helping me to learn 50-80 words a day, to retain them and then to apply them in sentences. This is truly God because I have a TERRIBLE memory.

At the end of our session, I told Rosa that I really didn’t want to come to therapy anymore (time isssues), but that I love coming to talk to her and I also know that I need to continue so my leg will get better. She said something in a Spanish that I didn’t understand. She then, in broken English, said, “You are our favorite patient.” Awwww…..melt my heart. If I could’ve skipped home, I certainly would’ve. Two great comments in ten minutes. Such a change from yesterday.


Keith said...

God is so good! I am glad your day was much better today. Keep your eye on the prize.

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

That's an awesome word from the Lord right when you needed it the most (as do I...THANKS!) I have often reminded myself that if I gave it all up and just moved back home and tried to return my life to "normal" it woulnd't feel right because I would know I was living in total disobediance. I would have so many inner struggles and I would be miserable. So why do I dwell on it??? Because I'm human I guess.

The McClain's said...

When can we get together? It seems that our struggles our so very similar and also that the Lord speaks to us sometimes in the same way. I had a horrible day yesterday as well...(Tuesday) dealing with some of the same things y otras varias cosas...(sorry I find myself drifting back and forth between the two languages now and then...) And there were several women at school who stopped what they were doing to encourage me. Today was a new day and this morning God gave me that same verse and reminded me of the new day filled with new mercies. Today was a good day for me and I praise the Lord for that. I praise Him for the good day He blessed you with as well!

Seriously, I'd love to have lunch with you or go for a wal one day or something! Please let me know!

Brooke :)

beckwanda said...

hi phamilady,
i was referred to you by my pham phriend phrom germany who phound (ok i'll stop now) you on the blogsphere. he and his phamily are phams as well and also missionaries.
my hubby and i have been to lima and arequipa visiting friends who were missionaries in arequipa and are now in the andes. peru is beautiful and the andes are amazing. food was ok. loved the food up in the mountains. yummy. we will be praying for you guys and "hey what's up from a phamily friend".
check out la otra phamilia at
i'm becky p. not becky pham. but mr pham recommended we give you a shout out. so here you are.
take care!
oh, my blog is plavanland but i havent updated in a long time.

the other Sullivans said...

Dear Jessica,
I have had you on my heart so much lately, and Kitty just sent me your blog site and I have just started reading it. I am so proud of you and John and your kids and the leap of faith you have taken. I must tell you that in this past year, we have moved twice, once to Panama city, and once out of our new house due to soot damage from a faulty fireplace and 3 floods from the septic. Anyway, when we realized the dangers of living in this soot and the potential health risks of breathing it for then 4 months, we had to get out. So, we left with nothing, because everything was considered contaminated. Believe it or not you and John came to my mind. I thought how brave and how strong the two of you are to leave your home and your belongings to follow your calling. I knew I would return home in time, but you knew you would be finding a new place to call home. Thank you for your faithfullness and helping me more than once I might add in a difficult situation. The second situation being with Macey. Whom is still fighting with her illness. You told me a long time ago that God must find me worthy of such a beyond difficult task. I cant tell you how many times those words have echoed in my mind. So, now I say them back to you my friend...God has found you worthy of this wonderful yet humanly difficult task. But you will rise to the challenge and His words will ring in your ears as yours has for me in my hour of need. I am thankful and blessed to know you. Hugs and Kisses to you ALL. Love Tisha

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