Thursday, October 11, 2007

An Afternoon Delight

It has rained almost all day every day and even into the night since Sunday. This afternoon it let up and we were able to do something normal. Parker, Ally and Jaxson and I took a walk to a local gym to check it out. It was on a side of town we have never seen, so the scenery was a nice change as well. Ally even mentioned how pretty it was over there. It's not really, but just getting out of the house made even the city streets look beautiful. On our way back, we stopped at the local bakery for some juice and cookies. This is how I bribed them to take a walk with me. We all held hands as we were walking and it felt soooo good - soooo normal. It felt like it use to be when I was home with them all of the time. We talked and laughed and dodged stray dogs. We even stopped in a local park to play freeze tag. Parker has been waiting for 9 months to play freeze tag with me because I haven't been able too because of my leg. They even went down the big metal slide, but Parker said he couldn't because it "freaks him out." This afternoon was a little piece of heaven right here in Costa Rica. I couldn't help but to keep thanking God for this special time with them.

1 comment:

Jordana said...

hi Jessica and John! I'm so glad you guys had a well deserved anniversary celebration! That place looked amazing and from the sound of it, it was!!! I'm so happy for you 2!! May God continue to grow your love for each other!!

I love reading about God's faithfulness to your family. It is very encouraging for me, challenging to go to the limits, cause God really meets there and seems more real. At least that's my experience. What do you think? :-) ( I just need to get to that place, wherever that may be!!)

Jessica, what a blessing to spend some fun time with your kids! I know this was something near and dear to your heart! :-)

reminded of this verse....
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
ps. 91.1

love and blessings to all of you!!

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