Sunday, October 21, 2007

We have it!!!

4 sick kids - at ONE time.

Parker - fever (yesterday) and a headache that is making him scream. Ugh...I feel so bad for him(He has the nasty one going around at school).

Ally - fever (last night) and a headache and achiness today. She's not screaming though!

Jaxson - fever and a rash - today.

Avery - Fever and vomiting - today.


Avery and Jaxson are DEFINITELY not going to school tomorrow. Avery is VERY, VERY sick. Not functionable. She can't even keep her head up. Jaxson is functionable, but still contagious b/c of the fever. The other 2 say they don't feel well, but no fevers today!

They kept us on our toes this afternoon. The challenge was Avery vomiting and needing to be held constantly. One of us continuously had our hands full of either clothes to be washed or a precious baby needing loving.

We are going to sleep with slight headaches and mild nauseousness. John said today was the first day that he wanted to go home. There are bound to be days like this.

We called the Empleada and told her to take the day off tomorrow, so I will be home with at least 2 of the kids - ALONE- for the first time in about 2 months. I am very much looking forward to it. I just wish it were under better circumstances


Justgottalaugh said...

Awwww. I wish I was there to help. I know where you are. Not fun. But hey, you will be stronger for it, right???? Hug all of them for me.

Rhonda said...

So sad! I'll be praying for you guys. Let me know if you need anything at all, I'll be there in a flash. I'll let the class know what's up, and we'll be praying for you. Hopefully this nasty little bug won't last too long. I love ya girl, for real let me know if I can help.

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