Saturday, October 13, 2007

God's Creation

The kids (Parker and Ally) and I returned from a 2 day, 1 night field trip to Tortugeuro Islands. More green turtles nest their eggs in this location than anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere. It took almost 4 hours by bus and 3.5 hours by boat to arrive to our "lodge." The boat ride was incredible and full of all of God's most incredible creatures. I took over 500 pictures, but I'm still behind in posting last weeks pictures, so maybe tomorrow. I did get to spend great time with Parker and Ally while John held down the fort and enjoyed himself with our littlest two.

While on our excursion we saw bats, crocodiles, parakeets, iguanas, sloths, monkeys, tucans, lots of wild and rare birds, a Jesus Christ lizard, a poisonous tree frog, baby turtles making their way to the ocean and the beauty of God's creation. It is one thing to see these animals in a zoo, but an entirely different experience to gaze upon them in their natural environment. I just kept looking at all that the Lord has made and wondering how anyone could ever see all of this and STILL deny Him. It seems impossible.

On another note, God is continuing to show me so much about him and myself everyday. This journey has been harder for me than I ever imagined - on many different levels. It is good, but very hard. But I did want to share on a general level, that in every struggle I have had, no matter what it is, He has met me exactly where I need Him too EXACTLY when I needed Him too. And most of the time, I don't even have to ask. He is just right there helping me. This week he brought an awesome woman named Sheila Dudney into my life at the perfect moment on the day when I needed her the most. She came over to my house the next day to help me get my "priorities" in order. In my old life (that is what I call pre Costa Rica days), no one would have ever had to come to my rescue like this (I would've been helping someone else with these challenges), but in my new life, I am humbled and broken and in desperate need of help. Not where I LIKE to be, but where God has me. But yet I am so dependent and needy for Him! So this is a good place. Anyway, her presence was just an example of God's provision. After she left, I had such a peace and a newer perspective. I am so thankful that even though this journey is often painful and challenging, it has brought me to an entirely different place with the Lord. I can't remember the last time I just cried out to Him for everything and knew that making it through this is not up to me, but will only happen with His help.


Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Yes, indeed. He is so good!

(Although I do question why He just let my Aggies suffer in the West Texas sun yesterday and get run all over by the Red Raiders.) But I know He has a plan!!!

I've always heard Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful places in the world! Isn't it neat that God has placed you there to experience it first hand?

PS...Can't wait to see the pics. Sounds BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder that I am still reading...everyday! Thanks for posting. I love to hear all that God is doing...especially the stories about your precious little ones:-)
Amy Jo

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