Saturday, October 20, 2007

Make me some dinner, please

Tonight when I was at the Bible study at my neighbor's house, I said to her in Spanish, "We should have you over to our house to eat dinner." Well, that's what I thought I was saying. What I actually said was, "We should have you over to our house to cook dinner."

No wonder she looked at my like I was crazy. It took a few minutes, but we finally got it straightened out through the laughter. But hey, she is welcome to come over and cook for us, too! :)

Cocinar(to cook) and Comer (to eat) are the verbs and they are similar, right?

I told her that I am smart in English, but I am not smart in Spanish. She got a kick out of that one. And I proved it to her by using the wrong verb, yet again (soy or estoy) when I was telling her I am not smart. :) HAAAA!!! Spanish is soooooo humbling.

Parker and Jaxson are sick with the fever virus. Praise God no vomiting or major headaches yet. Ally isn't acting well and I haven't felt great, but we are functionable. It could be sooo much worse, as it has been for my fellow classmates, and I am praying that it won't get that way.

On a completely different subject, I made my VERY first A on a grammar test. It was a test that was 2 pages of sentence writing on something called parifrasis. I made a 97 - A. Can you believe it? It is totally the Lord. I studied less this week, pursued Him more and placed my family above school and studying and HE totally gave me the A I had been pursuing. WOW! And I had a test in language class today. I only missed one - another A!! I had to name all the parts of the body, the classroom and the house. I was having a hard time remembering the names for pillow, bed, mattress, etc... I prayed she would NOT ask me these questions. And guess what? She didn't. But she did ask the other girls in my class, but not me. WOW! Another blessing from the Lord.


The McClain's said...

Thank you for being so open and transparent in your blog!
It seems like we never have time to talk at school...but I still feel like I know you...

Can we eat lunch one day this week? Even if it just after school?

Brooke :)

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

WOW! I'm SO jealous that you already know that much Spanish. I want to learn Spanish SO badly. I took French in High School. Yes, French. Does anyone in the states need to know French? Really? I offered my Spanish speaking friend to teach her to play piano if she would teach me Spanish, but she didn't go for it.

Justgottalaugh said...

yeah!! you go girrrrl!

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