Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Not eternal

I got Monday's test back on Complimento Direct - hard stuff! It's sad when you think you grasp a concept and then the test shows you really don't. I made a 73 and I honestly thought I might have made an A. How can I fool myself like that? A 73 is almost a D and was the lowest score in the class! OUCH!!! I made the same mistake 6 different times. I won't be making that mistake again. Anyway, my eyes welled up with tears and then my friend Keeley whispered from across the room "this is not eternal." Boy, did I need to hear that.


Justgottalaugh said...

how sweet of your friend

Mountain Momma said...

Hang in there Jess!! A second language is so hard and just look at all you have learned in such a short time. You are doing great and you have so much to be thankful for. Keep your chin up. Next year at this time you will be laughing at how hard this was...

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