Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

One thing I LOVE in Costa Rica is that Halloween does not exist here. Or, it seems that it doesn't exist here. I just had to mention this because if you know me, then you probably know of my dislike for the holiday and its satanic origins. It has been really nice to not feel like I have to hide in the house from the goblins, ghouls, blood and other things that are scary and inappropriate for my children. It's such a HUGE deal in America, but not here. I have to say that this is one cultural change that I am praising God for! :)

Since I'm talking about cultural differences, I wanted to mention that a major difference is that walkers DO NOT have the right of way here. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's a huge change in my thinking. After almost getting run over 1/2 a dozen times (and the kids, too), I finally figured out that cars HAVE the right of way. They are not wrong for almost hitting us, we just need to change our thinking and get out of the road. It's not as easy as you might think. We are so ingrained in the States that the cars will slow down, move over or stop. Not here. That responsibility is up to us. I have to teach the kids new rules about crossing the street. I can honestly say this "right of way" thing has been the hardest cultural change for me. Go figure!

Who would've thought?

For some reason my spell check is still broken. Sorry about that!


Jonatha said...

I love hearing about someone else who dislikes that day as much as our family! Last night was wonderful - not one person knocked on our door - and we live in a busy neighborhood! (Kind of like Pine Lake when we were kids). God was so good to protect our home! Maybe we'll end up in the same place in a few years - who knows where God will lead us by then! :) I'll just keep reading your blog until then.

Anonymous said...

Aren't holiday's inteneded to celebrate something? We celebrate God's bounty and goodness at Thanksgiving, the coming of Jesus at Christmas, the resurrection of our Lord at Easter, the Independence of our country on the 4th of July, our veterans who fight to keep us free on Veterans what exactly (or who exactly) are we celebrating on Halloween? I think that the label "holiday" should be removed from this day, until someone is bold enough to tell us what (who) is being celebrated...maybe then, the Chrisian community at large will have to actually take a unified stand on this "day."

I did't have one visitor either. (Of course I live in the middle of nowhere.) But I put a sign on our door just in case: No Tricks, No Treats, God Bless.

Amy jo

circus of love said...

I had wondered about Halloween in Costa Rica. Cool that it doesn't exist. My kids were walking through Wal-mart by the Halloween stuff a few weeks ago with John and Layton says to Elijah..."We don't like Halloween because that is when people celebrate Satan." I have to say neither John nor I have said this to Layton but she has figured it out. We did dress up and go to the Fall Festival at church in Orlando. You know I wish we Christians would just have fun dress up parties with games in like June and not just leave the fun stuff to this icky day.

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