Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jessica's Kidneys

John wrote:

Jessica was admitted last night from the E.R. to a room. By the way, the biggest private room I have ever seen (probably to accommodate large family visits here in Latin America). She is currently passing one stone in her left kidney, but there are three others sitting high in the left kidney that the doctor wants to eliminate, probably with a lithotripsy. The stone that is passing is blocking her left ureter. The right kidney has hydronephrosis, which means is swollen with fluid and is not draining for some reason. This is common among pregnant ladies because the ureter gets constricted, but not for non-pregnant ladies. So they are concerned about that. Lastly, the urologist believes that Jessica has colitis which is an inflammation of the large intestine, that can lead to abdominal pain and acute infections.

She will be staying in the hospital at least until tomorrow. Thank you so much for praying.


Mountain Momma said...

We are praying for you Jess! Take care!

Jonatha said...

We will be praying!

Ansbaughmom said...

Tell Jess she will be in my prayers.

ptamom3 said...

I'm definitely keeping her in my prayers. Please send her our love!

Stephen Jones said...

We prayed for you last night at church, and continue to uphold you in our prayers. It seems God still has something more to teach you about total surrender and dependence on Him before you arrive in Peru. We love you.

Mountain Momma said...

Is everything okay? We have been praying for you!

Amy Jo said...

Much prayers for Jess and you all. Please keep us posted.
Amy Jo

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