The plan I posted about last night is a go (so far). The stones are subject to come out next Thursday or Friday. I will post more details as the day gets closer. I will be in the hospital overnight again.
Today I had so much joy and freedom as God is releasing me from the desire to be perfect. I enjoyed my school more and my family and even my extra 7 lbs. I decided curvy is better than flaca (skinny). I am just so thankful for the work he is doing in my life. It has definitely been painful (physically), but much needed.
On to the pictures:
Parker has officially lost his two top teeth and he wanted you to see! He is still precious and so much fun. He also wanted you to know that his hair looks goofy because he was all sweaty from playing soccer.
Ally recently lost her two bottom teeth, but the new ones had almost grown completely in by the time the she lost them. Here's her new teeth. She is still adorable and wonderful.
My friends from school have been making me healthy food each night that won't effect my bladder or kidney. One girl (THANK YOU AMY) went out of her way to research what a Kidney Stone patient with Intercystial Cystis can eat. And Boy am I lucky girl. Take a look at the pictures. This food was not only delicious, but extremely healthy. This is the BEST food I have had since I arrived in Costa Rica.

I think I forgot to mention that Avery Brooke cut her own bangs about a month ago. Here's the result. And she is doing great being a big girl and doing her thing on the potty. I can't believe how fast she picked it up. She's still having dry nights, dry days and is enjoying doing #2 now. I know you will sleep better knowing that. How cute is she!
Hello! Are you down there?
YUMMY! That food looks DEEELISH! And those potty pics...SO cute!
wow - I think I know what I want for dinner tomorrow night! That looks awesome - what a great friend! Can you send her to my kitchen??
That is so cute! You are blessed to have made such great friends while there. And you are perfect - made by God to be exactly how you are! I love you for you :) I wish you were here on these play dates too!
Hi...I thought I would come out of hiding and introduce myself! I"ve been reading your blog for sometime now...I'm a friend of Stef Layton's and have been following your family's trials and tribulations.
Just wanted you to know that I've been praying for you and hope you feel better soon!
stop by my blog sometime if you'd like...I'm at
Curvy is definitely better than skinny! (And between me, you, and the fence-post, most men feel this your husband will be blessed as well!) I know that when Garrett sees pic of me when I was a lean, mean, fat-burning machine he grimaces and says, "I would have never wanted to have dated you." Of course, I am appalled by this! Especailly considering how hard I worked to look that way! But, as he tells me regularly (and a lot now since my babies have made me even curvier!), women and femininity = beautiful curves NOT rock hard abs and toned tri-cepts. He has asked that I try and keep my shapely legs, however, since this is why he fell in love with me:-) (sacasm...for those who don't know my hubby.) Anyway, thanks for the posts. I love the food! Looks so yummy! And you have adorable, precious babies! I know you are looking forward to a few more:-)
Love you!
Have you come up with that formula yet where we can just freeze our kids to the age they are?? So cute. Hope you are feeling better.
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