Wednesday, July 2, 2008

John's Daddy

Here is a letter from John's sister. It is very specific as to how is dad is doing. LOTS of prayers are needed still!

Hi everyone!

Dad is very tired and weak today. He's still talking when he is awake but is sleeping a lot. His butt is getting worse since he is having so much diarrhea 4-5 today. They are ordering a rectal tube to keep the stool off of his sores. His sugars are stable. The most important issue that he is facing right now is battling all the infections in his body. His attending doctor, Dr. Dang came in and actually spent about 15 minutes talking to dad, tata and myself.

Dr. Dang has given us the option to transfer dad to UCI, a teaching hospital about 15 minute from dad's house. It is a higher level medical center that can better address all of his problems. They have done all that they could here and dad is still not getting better. He will still undergo the TEE (trans-esophageal-echocardiogram) tomorrow morning to rule out endocarditis or any other anatomical problems. We will await the result of the test and pray that it is not endocarditis as it is very difficult to treat.

They still don't know the reason why his platelets keep dropping. These are the possible causes: Lupus, infection, body's reaction to all the blood transfusions, immunosuppression from the steroids, or bone cancer.

The doctors think that with all the problems that we are facing right now the highest problem on the priority list is the infections which may be affecting the heart. He is having more and more episodes fo atrial fibs. They inserted a central line yesterday because they are suspecting infection in the PICC line. A culture was sent to see if the tip of the PICC line was infected.

I have to go to help the nurse insert the rectal tube right now. Bye for now.

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