Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Always and adventure with this baby!

These updates are for my close friends (and of course anyone else) who wants to know how the end of the pregnancy is progressing. Sorry if this is super boring! :)

Well, tonight I had my 38 1/2 appt. The baby's heart rate was at the max. that it should be. The dr. was concerned and had me wait 1/2 an hour to see if it went down. It did! :)

Then, my blood pressure went high again. So I had to wait to see if it went down. It did! :)

Then, I had the dreaded internal exam. 2 centimeters (still), but now I am 40% effaced, where last week I was less than 20%.

During the exam, the doctor found something. He says to me, "I have some potentially bad news."

The baby's hand is on top of his head; smack dab on top of his skull. It is common to deliver a baby with a hand on the face, but I guess (from what he said, I haven't researched it yet) it is dangerous to deliver a baby with his hand coming out before his head. I can see, on many levels, why that wouldn't be a good idea. ;) He said I just need to be "prepared" that if he starts to come out "hand" first that I will not have a normal labor. We all know what that means....the dreaded C word!!! It sounds like that once labor starts the doctor will be able to easily check to see if the hand is first.

Anyway, the good news is that he very well could move that hand just as quickly as he put it up there. Remember, I posted how he had switched sides, well I was right. He went from the right to the left, from the left to the right, back to the right again! The doctor was surprised, but said it is okay. So I knew I wasn't losing my mind with everything just feeling weird. He also commented on how "big" he is getting and how much he has grown just since last week.

I'm not in the least bit worried or stressed about the hand. It will be how it is suppose to be. I have complete trust in God and His plan. I just praise God for such an awesome doctor who checks for these type of things.


Shawna said...

Praying for that hand, heart rates, Blood Pressures and baby's cord around his neck situation. God will be there no matter how Miles arrives and you can trust Him, ALWAYS!

Justgottalaugh said...

Tried to call- we're in Canada now with no phone. I left the hotel # on your voicemail. Hey, Wes came out with his hand like that. It was harder than usual but we made it fine. I will pray for that little hand to move. I also hope they would do an ultrasound to conirm anything and not just go by what the Dr perceives from the outside. Can't wait to hear from you today... hopefully:)

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