Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ministry does exist! Promise!

In case you are wondering....Yep, we're still missionaries here to do God's work and we are still working. :)

John is still discipling and training a national leader to take over the still forming church in Oasis. The man's name is Alberto and he is super in love with God. He still needs a lot of direction (don't we all?). John meets with him twice a week. Alberto has taken it upon himself to start 2 more Bible studies in Oasis on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I don't think there is a huge turn out, but about 5-7 regulars show up and join him in studying God's word.

John is still preaching on Sundays (he is mostly storying the Bible) at the church service in Oasis. Alberto leads the service. A man named David leads the worship and John does the investing in people and teaching the word. Like I mentioned before, we can't go out there as a family much b/c the flea situation has gotten so bad. John took Ally with him last week for 1/2 day to help a mission team and now she is suffering like crazy with over 50 bites all over her body.

Once a week, John leads a Bible study in another area called Santa Rosa. This Bible Study is going exceptionally well. They are studying a 20 week discipleship program called "Toward The Goal." He averages between 13-18 people each week. And I think if he could expand it, it would certainly grow.

Also, John is praying about starting another Bible Study on Sunday nights in another area of Oasis. The study would be from 6:30 - 8 p.m., which means he would be in a dangerous area at a dangerous time! I struggle between faith and fear on this issue. Please pray! We know all about being wise as serpents and innocent as doves, but this is the VERY best time to reach the men of that area. John feels God is asking him to do this and I am just saying, "Please Lord, keep him safe."

And John also is developing relationships with national churches here. He has 2 or 3 local pastors that he has partnered with for various reasons. In fact, he is meeting with 2 today.

And my ministry, as always is the family. I am holding down the fort while John invests in the people. I go with him as much as I can (which hasn't been much lately).

I am building some good relationships with my neighbors. One neighbor really opened up to me about her life the other day. She knows we are Christians and she asks questions. I am hoping to continue to be Salt and Light to her. I am very content knowing that my primary place of service, at this season of life, is right here with our 5 (almost) kids!

Thanks for your prayers for the ministry God has called us too. Please keep praying for the people here.

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