Thursday, September 10, 2009

Not My Will but Yours be Done!

Went to my 37 week check up (36.6 days at midnight) not feeling well still with a terrible headache. I have all the classic symptoms of pre-eclampsia. 5 lbs. in 10 days. Lots of swelling. Horrible headache for 24 hours that will not subside, and high blood pressure. The doctor is very concerned and is admitting me tonight to try to get the blood pressure under control as well as the headache. He wants to do some testing for pre-eclampsia as well. The baby is fine. His fluid is good. I am dialated already about 2 centimeters so that is good in case we have to take him tomorrow. The ultrasound showed he is very big already and measuring around 7 lbs. 12 ounces. The doctor was shocked at his size. None of this is part of my perfect plan, but I am in no way forgetting God's sovereignty, protection and hand of guidance and love. Please pray for everything to work out safely and smoothly. The doctor said if I have pre-eclampsia that he has to come out now. He will induce me naturally without pitocin and do everything he can to get things going so I can have a drug-free labor. He is the top Chief OBGYN at the leading medical hospital in Peru. I feel completely safe under his care. Maybe I'll be home tomorrow and can wait this out 3 weeks or maybe I'll be home in a few days with a baby. Only God knows and I am trying to be very open to His Will and not mine. You know how much I have wanted a natural homebirth. Please pray for God's perfect, divine plan and also for the baby's safety as well as mine! Pre-eclampsia can be very dangerous, so I just praise God this doctor is on top of things. More when I can!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Glad your appointment was changed. If this is a pre-eclamptic headache I know how intense it is! I'm glad you are going to the hospital tonight! Try to rest and not worry. Lay on your left side constantly it will help your kidneys function better and lower your blood pressure some. Don't over or under drink. Eat and drink as normal as you are able.

Jonathan didn't require pain medications and was a VB. The Mag. Sulfate (important for pre-eclampsia) made me a bit loopy which may have made it easier.

Praying for all the things I know to pray for as a mom who has been down the pre-eclampsia road twice.

John call us ASAP if you get to any unfamiliar territory. Paul or I could probably talk you through it. Reassure Jessica that Caleb was a C because he was footling breech while I was pre-eclamptic. I'm sending this to you by email as well and will include phone numbers.

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