Thursday, September 3, 2009

So thankful

The workers are GONE!! Today was our first day without anyone fixing, pounding, painting or tracking dirt through the house. Not that we minded because it was worth EVERY second. All 3 bathrooms are officially done and every room is painted to look like new. As soon as I finish this blog, I am going to unpack the VERY last box in our bathroom and we will officially be completely moved in 2 weeks later. Not bad! I am 36 weeks on Saturday (29 days left tomorrow - woohooo) and we were expecting to be moving in when I was 36 weeks, so I am so thankful that the Lord worked it out so we could get in and get settled even sooner.

I had my OBGYN check-up yesterday. I gained 1.5 lbs. in 5 days. LOL! The docs first comment to me was, "Good morning. I see you've been eating A LOT!" :) I told the doctor I thought it was the pizza I ate the night before and the heavy jeans that I usually DON'T wear to the appointments. Normally, I wear really light clothes, but they were dirty so I opted for heavy jeans, knowing that it would tip the scale. Oh well! The doctor was leaving yesterday for Europe until October 1st. He only saw 2 patients yesterday and I was one of them. He just wanted to see me one last time before he left even though he is not going to be delivering the baby. Isn't that sweet? My iron is still VERY low and at an anemic level. He nows wants me to take 2 iron pills every other day, on top of my daily iron pill and pre-natal. Good grief! Let's hope it raises soon! Anyway, he is still putting A LOT of pressure on me to have a hospital birth. I told him there is nothing like good ol' fashioned peer pressure. He chuckled and said he hoped it was working. I'll miss him this month, but not the pressure! I will see his partner while he is gone as well as the midwife.

We finished our first week of school (we do 4 day weeks because Fridays we have AWANAS at a local missionary, Christian school). It was GREAT! Like I said, being in the house and having an AWESOME homeschooling room and wonderfully organized curriculum has helped EVERYONE'S attitudes. I am even having MUCH more consistent quiet times because there is actually a place, besides the shower, to have a quiet time. I'm LOVING it and feeling very refreshed and encouraged in the Lord.

I am exercising in my new exercise room which is quite the blessing too. How cool to just shut the door, pop in a video and get it done. And then I usually walk briskly for about 15-20 minutes, after the video, while the kids jog next to me or ride their bikes. It's so fun! I am only doing 45ish minutes, every OTHER day. That's about all I can muster up these days, but I think that is sufficient for being nine months along (on Saturday).

Well, God has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams with this house. Words cannot describe it. I am so thankful!!! And now we are just keeping busy until the next blessing comes very soon. Isn't it crazy to think that in 1 week, the baby could come ANY day after that? I doubt he will, but it is fun to wait, hope and think about the possibilities of "any day now."


Jonatha said...

I had to take iron 3 times a day until it went up, in addition to my pre-natals and it was not fun. I just went down to 2 times a day last week and I'm much less nauseous. :) I hope it goes up soon for you - I'm thinking my energy has greatly improved all because of that!

Justgottalaugh said...

I can't believe your counter says 29 days!!!! Can you believe that? It was just close to 60- wow time is flying! He'll be here before you know it!
I sent you a package but it was timely and I think it's going to be waaaay late:( It's the thought that counts, right?

circus of love said...

The house looks amazing!!! So comfy and wonderfully decorated already. I didn't purge as much stuff as I thought so we are still trying to figure out where everything will go!!! We are using our formal dining room as a school room and it is so nice having space to put up posters and just have for school.
I have the strep stuff this pregnancy. Still on antibiotics everyday and progesterone daily along with shots twice a week. John is doing great giving me my shots.
I have got to get motivated and take some pictures around here soon!!!

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