Sunday, September 20, 2009

The kids are all very quiet in their rooms this morning so I thought I would take 4 or 5 minutes (yes, I type VERY fast) to blog. Not that I really have anything blog-worthy to say. It is kind of an outlet for me. I am sure you are tired of hearing about pregancy. Imagine how I feel!!! LOL!!! :)

Today we are going to church again at that sweet lil' church I told you about. We made it 2 weeks in a row and couldn't go last week. The pastor's wife texted us (don't you love technology) to tell us that we were missed. :) I thought that was so sweet. Only problem is that John and I don't know how to text back. Yep, the incredible technologically advanced Phams CANNOT text! We both giggle at that. But to be honest, we have zero desire to learn. Anyway, we are going back this morning and are looking forward to it.

We are LOVING Saturdays here as a family now that we have a BBQ grill, yard, neighborhood kids and college football. Need I say more. How about them Gators?

And of course, a blog wouldn't be a blog unless I ended on a pregnancy note. Yesterday morning I kept telling John that either the baby was super, duper big or that he had moved in a way that was hurting me a lot. I seriously felt like I had been punched in the stomache. The sensation would come and go. Last night, I figured out that the baby has flipped over to my right side. For the past 10 weeks (at least) he has been head down with his abdomen on my left while he is all curled up and his bum-bum is on my right. Last night, he would move and I just want to scream b/c it hurt to so bad. Well, his head is still down, but for some reason after almost 3 months he decided to flip over to my right side and honestly I think he is now spine to spine with me. All the kicks from his arms and legs are coming straight out now and every move he makes is hurting (even in my sleep). My only 2 concerns (and yes, I am 100% positive his position has changed, his hiccups confirmed this) is 1., the umbilical cord. It was already wrapped once around his neck. Flipping like that can cause it to wrap again and 2., That when labor does start, that he will be spine to spine with me (OUCH!!). I believe I might have had that once, with Jaxson, and it makes labor a lot worse.

But alas, no reason to think or worry about what I can't control. God's already God it under his care! But you can pray he will not be spine to spine and no cord around his neck and that if he would kindly flip back over to the left side so I wouldn't be in pain, that would be great.

It's time to start this wonderful, glorious Lord's day. I hope that your's is blessed too!

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