Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good news

Great news! My Group Beta Strep test is NEGATIVE!!!! WOOHOOO!! I will still be treated for it during labor though. Lets pray it doesn't come on in the next 4 weeks. I don't think it will. Usually if I have it, I have it by 20 weeks. I'm praising God for this. I think this is one of the reasons I haven't had as many bladder or kidney problems this pregnancy. I am really happy to get these great results after suffering so with it in many previous pregnancies.

Day 2 of homeschooling completed in the new house. WOW! So much easier to homeschool here than in the apartment. My complete state of mind is better in this house. Just goes to show that your environment can truly affect your mood or emotional status.

P.S. Can someone give me a lesson on affect vs. effect? I'm like 33 and still can't use them right.


laytonfamily said...

HOORAY! gotta love great test results during prengnacy!!

I think - effect is the result - affect describes the influence.

Stephen Jones said...

Hi Jessica, so glad to hear your test came back negative and healthy.

I'm a bit of a grammar junkie, so I'll attempt to answer your question. Several years ago, I picked up a book called "Demonic Mnemonics." It helps teach grammar with simple memory devices. Here's how they explain the difference between affect and effect.

affect: to influence
trick: Animals can Affect me

effect: to bring about
trick: it takes EFFort to EFFect Enthusiasm

Effect can be used as either a noun or a verb. Affect is almost always used as a verb. Clear as mud, right?

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