Monday, September 7, 2009

woes of a 9 month pregnant woman. Yes, I guess I'm complaining a little!

Not much to write. I just feel yucky! Really yucky! I'm not sick. All I want to do is sleep, have zero desire to do anything. I am taking 2 naps a day again and am generally fatigued. I'm out of breath constantly and doing even little things takes most of my available energy. It makes me frustrated that I have no energy to do my daily chores, much less excerise. I've missed 4 days of exercise and I know it is so good for me, but the thought of expending energy I don't have just doesn't appeal. I felt fine up until Saturday evening around 5 p.m. and since then, crash and burn. If I didn't detest caffeine so much (I haven't really drank it in almost a year), then I would be loading up. But I know that's not a good idea. Anyway, wah, wah, wah...woe is me! I'm sure I'm fine, but I did think of dragging myself to the doctor because I really think my iron is just bottoming out. But I don't have the energy or desire to deal with it. So for now, I will just allow hubby and the kids to pamper me. They'll be plenty of time to be a crazy, productive, go-getter in my next stage of life.

1 comment:

Justgottalaugh said...

I'll be praying for you friend:)

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