Saturday, August 23, 2008

Checking in

We've been told by our fellow missionaries on our team that we set a record for the fastest apartment find and move in yet. We arrived last Friday and moved in yesterday - exactly 1 week. I told the lady on my team that it was because I had been praying for over a year about where we will live. God answered my prayers very quickly and we are trying to settle in. It's overwhelming to start completely from scratch with only clothes and bare necessities and having to furnish an ENTIRE apartment without the wedding that brings in the gifts. :) I told John I NEVER want to do this again. But if God says to, I will. :)

I'm bumming someone's wireless signal to write this, so I better get going. We are safe and happy and healthy, EXHAUSTED and all is well. We will have our own internet in about a week. The kids are adjusting MUCH better now that they have their own rooms and beds. What a difference that makes.

1 comment:

Missionaries in La Ceiba, Honduras said...

I feel your pain girl! We had to do the same thing. A whole house without a car to get things, and having to go to many, many, many different stores to get what we needed! Good luck!

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