Sunday, August 24, 2008


We took the Sabbath day off and did NO housework or anything related to unpacking! We went to church this morning, spoke Spanish to each other all day (Avery speaks just as much Spanish as English), took a great nap and then headed off to the beach park and to an outside mall on the beach. I had a starbuck's frapuccino (caramel in case you care - without caffeine) and it was AWESOME!! We ate at a chicken place and had 5 plates of beef with salads, fries and drinks for $30. WOW!!!! We have a ton of leftovers. The kids played in the park and then we took them to this little place in the center of the strip where they could ride little kiddie rides (think Chuckie cheese). They each rode 2 rides, were given balloons at the restaurant and won lollipops from a machine. They said this was just a wonderful day! We really needed this and so did they.

Some randome highlights:

The lady at the local grocery store and starbucks both told me I speak Spanish very well. WOW!!!! I was shocked. It seems like most people don't give compliments very often here and others just can't understand me, so it was quite a blessing to hear that - even if it might not be completely true.

A big, full can of hairspray fell from a shelve and the bottom of it landed directly on my little toe. It hurt so bad that I thought I was going to throw up. The toe turned pink and blue and swelled VERY quickly. I cannot walk on it or bend it so we are assuming it's broken. I'm not sure if I will be running the 10K next week. I was going to go to the running club tomorrow for the first time, but now I can't. I just keep thinking God is keeping me away from running for some kind of protection.

On that note, I cut my finger 2 days ago on a brand new pineapple slicer that I bought. I probably needed 2 or 3 stitches, but I bandaged it up myself only for it to split open 2 more times. But I think it's under control. So funny. I have always been super clumsy so it's not surprsing that I have hurt myself two times since I got here. But I am NOT going to the doctor and I am fine. But I REALLY want to run that 5k.

We are ready to be completely settled to move on with life and ministry, but our to-do list is like 3 pages long. However, my language coordinator helped move us in and when she saw an empty apartment, 21 pieces of luggage and 4 kids running around like wild bats and no vehicle yet, she pulled me aside and said I could have another month to get settled in before I started my next language project. Praise God! That is such a huge relief, because it was supposed to be due very soon.

And on the homeschooling front, the kids are BEGGING to start homeschooling. I haven't even unpacked my clothes yet (10 more suitcases to go) and they want to do school. Ally has cried twice now because she is six and is not reading yet. She was even in school for a year and can't read. I told her I will have her reading in less than a month (she knows her phonics sounds VERY well). So I feel the pressure to get on with school as well.

Well, thank you for you prayers and friendship. I can't answer e-mails write now because of the internet connection, but I can get on long enough to write an update. MIss you all! PLEASE COME AND VISIT US!!!! PLEASE!


circus of love said...

YOU will do it!!! I am so excited for your fun day!!!
Just sit down with Ally and read regular old books with her. You can do that!! She will pick it up! Layton's not reading either just knows her sounds too. We'll get there!

Ansbaughmom said...

Sounds like a fun Sunday!! Sorry didnt finish chatting w/you last night!! Hope yall have a good day.

The Byrd's Nest said...

Sounds like a wonderful day with your family. I know you will be glad when the home is finally all put together and you can just begin this amazing journey.

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