A group from the Houses of Restoration. They came to say "thank you" and sing to us. There was a mariachi band that sang 5 songs and the ban was composed of current men from the men's house. It was super cool! John and I were both overcome with emotion and as we saw their gratitude for the time we spent teaching them the Word. We never in a million years expected this. They also gave us a bag of goodies for the kids and a very special cost-rican coffe maker. I'll have to take a picture of it. It's made of wood and is very old-style but makes delicious coffee.
Anyway, God is so good to lavish his goodness upon us. We never expected such an amazing thank you. Just being able to go there was a great thank you in and of itself. Que bendicion!
That is incredibly sweet and precious! Love that!
I have just finished reading your entire blog from start to finish. I have laughed and cried so much and felt like I was on this journey with you. I wanted you to know already what a blessing you have been to me and I am going to encourage my husband to read this blog also from start to finish.
We haven't even gone to our Candiate Conference yet (not until December)and I only have five million questions that I know God will answer when He is ready. We will be serving in Puebla, Mexico if all goes well.
I will be praying for your family by name.
Jessica...thank you, thank you for commenting and leaving me your phone number...I WILL be calling you!
I deleted your comment on the blog but saved it in my e-mail. I should have told you in my previous e-mail that my husband is a pastor of a small church and we cannot tell them anything until October. Actually our candidate consultant suggested to not tell them until December but we just can't do that and if they let us go...then they let us go...we wouldn't be on salary with the IMB until April of 2009 or so but just like everything else we have to put ALL of our trust in the Lord. This pains us so much because we are such a transparent couple and feel as if we are betraying them on so many levels. Soon though we will be able to be out in the open with everything.
We would LOVE to be in contact with the other Puebla families. We still cannot believe that God has called us to Puebla.
My e-mail is:
I will begin to show our 3 yr. olds today your childrens pictures and we will pray for them by name. When I watched the video and saw the people of Lima living in cardboard homes I just broke down in sorrow. I KNOW God will use you in giving them the ONE promise they need which has nothing to do with the material possessions they do not have....His gift of salvation.
Big Hugs to all of you from Texas.
That blessed me, so I can only imagine how you felt to have that arrive at your door! :) God is good.
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