Wednesday, August 27, 2008

no title today

Nothing exciting to report today unless you want a homeschooling report run down. BORING! Although, we are going to dissect a cow's eye-ball as soon as I can find one. Anyway, I think I need to get out of the apartment more, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't comfortable or safe here. I am definitely feeling a little shell shocked (but not in a bad way, but maybe shell shocked can't actually be in a good way), just in a I want to stay in my safe, English speaking apartment where no one laughs at me when I try to speak Spanish kind of way (yes, folks, seriously this has happened to me 2 times in 2 days). I do venture to the local grocery story, but it's really so posh and upscale I don't even feel like I can write about it because you might be disappointed I'm not the poor suffering misisonary I once was. Or I could write about my tales at the gym, but that would consist of me hobbling around, EVERYONE staring at me because I'm a blonde headed gringo and the only ONE in the building or on the block, me not being able to follow instructions in a Tae Bo class and EVERYONE staring at me again and did I mention the laughing and staring. Well, that is about it, really. God is teaching me the following things:
1. Pray more often and be specific.
2. Don't be overruled by my fear and trust Him instead of being fearful.
3. Just because a city is modern doesn't mean the people know Christ. I have been wondering how such a modern place can be so lost. And then I remember America!
4. I need to walk confidently with Him and not be distracted by anything (this would include being snickered at and stared at). I need to be confident in my standing with Christ and let my light shine.
5. I need to smile and be friendly even when people are not to me. I found myself getting snippy and short and I decided I am just going to smile, smile, smile and be extra kind. And if nothing else, maybe they'll want to know why! :)


The Byrd's Nest said...

This must be terribly hard for all of you. Give yourself some time to adjust to the culture shock. Wear Gods armor when you leave the house. These people DO need Jesus and they will see Him in you.

Praying for you.

Ansbaughmom said...

So sorry you are having a hard time there. Just give it time-and prayer and I hope you will feel more welcome. Good luck-and sorry about your toe.

-still prego

Missionaries in La Ceiba, Honduras said...

Just smile and laugh at yourself - that helps too :-) Keep your chin up and your head down in prayer :-)

laytonfamily said...

I'm sorry you feel this way - but smile, you know TWO languages - they only speak one! ;p

Obviously all the stares and laughs are an obvious sign they don't know Jesus. But HE is there with you and He isn't laughing. 70x7 - you keep turning that other cheek because they don't know it yet, but boy do they NEED YOU!

Amy said...

Oh Jess, I wish I was there with you! Of course, I am a they may not stare (Can I pay people to stare? I would do anything to be stared at right now...ooops, sorry another issue....!)I'm praying for you my friend. I miss you! I love the comment: Keep your chin up and your head down in prayer. What great council! Love you!

Jordana said...

thanks for sharing your heart Jessica...God is shaping you and you are letting Him! :)
keep pressing on!

trent and kay said...

Yeah, I thought it would be so cool to be the mysterious foreigner with the accent...not so much. Most days I just want to be normal and I am far from that here (and I'm not even as blond as you :) ). I have to give myself pep talks too sometimes to go out but I think it gets better.

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