Thursday, August 7, 2008

Look what I ate for lunch?

Can you guess what this is? First person to respond and guess correctly wins a half- expenses paid trip to Peru? You fly yourself to Peru and then you can stay with me for free and I'll make sure to serve up this delicatesan for you. Sounds great! Let me know what you think this is!


Mountain Momma said...

Ewww!! Gross!!! A pig tongue is my guess?? Some kind of tongue...

The McClain's said...

I'm the second to respond but I'm guessing tongue as well...and I've gotta say GROSS!!!!!

Amy said...

yep...definitely looks like tongue to me! you actually ate that! don't think I'll be having you doing my nurtritional counseling anytime in the near future!

laytonfamily said...

I'd love to go to Peru, but I'm not eating TONGUE! I hate when I bite my own tongue - I'm not going to bite into another's!

ptamom3 said...

my only question is WHY!!!???

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