Monday, August 4, 2008

Language advice and cute bathing suits

Today I was given the opportunity to share about language learning with the new group of IMB missionaries that arrived last week. I was asked to share because I came in speaking zero Spanish and have 4 children, and God has been very generous in helping me learn. Here are some tips I gave to the new families:

1. Don't sacrifice your marriage or children during this process.
2. Set a limit for your Spanish learning each day. For me it was 2 hours a day of homework and talking. If I didn't set a limit I would've spent 6 hours a day and definitely would've sacrificed something precious to me.
3. Using small, pocket-sized note cards to write new, daily vocabulary you learn in the class. And then to memorize it that night.
4. To not depend on the dictionary except for homework. Depend on people describing things to you and work around words you do not know (like I did today with my below mentioned experience).
5. Talk more than you study. Put talking to nationals as a priority instead of homework.
6. Pray for opportunities! Pray for language partners and ministry opportunities.
7. Don't be afraid to look stupid - because you will.
8. Practice everyday speaking what you know. If you only know 2 sentences, say those 2 things over and over until you perfect them. TALK! TALK! TALK!
9. Relax! Relax! Relax! (Which I didn't). Spanish will come!

On another note, Ally and I went to a special bathing suit store that we were told would make our own bathing suits. I have never heard of anything like this in America. I drew a picture of what I wanted, they sized us and we picked out the colors and patterns. I think you could call it more of a tennis dress than a bathing suit. They were really surprised at how I wanted it, but I think it is going to be adorable. We will have the same suit with different patterns. I will show you a picture when we get them. I was all confident in my Spanish until I got there and realized I know ZERO vocabulary about bathing suits, patterns and colors. The women were very helpful and somehow I made it out of there alive. It was very humbling, but somewhat rewarding. The suits should be done by next week and as of yet, I have no idea of the price. I can't wait to show you.

I received my second ECHO report from the school and it was EXACTLY IDENTICAL (right down to the part that said basic) to the score that I received from our mission (see Saturday's post). I was surprised because I thought I did so poorly, but yet happy that the answer is definitive.

Our phone line is broken. Our phone line runs in the air and across the street, hooked up to a pole. Who knew? A big truck came through and cut the line right from air. I will have to take a picture of the 100's of lines that are on our block. I guess I never really noticed it until I saw I big wire hanging in our front patio and halfway in the road. It looks so funny. I think the lines in America are hidden. I can't remember.

John received his language results from the school, but he has not looked at it yet. He has his language evaluation with our mission tomorrow, so he said he will look at his school results AFTER that. He is practicing right now with my tutor. He asks for your prayers. His test will be at 10:15 a.m. (12:15 a.m. Florida time).

On that note, we finished our grammar book in school today. Am I fluent? NO WAY! Do I really know the whole book? NO WAY! Am I happy to be done! Words cannot describe...

I am floating on air!


Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Can't wait to see the swimsuits! I loathe swimsuit shopping. Your way sounds painless and actually FUN!

laytonfamily said...

CONGRATS - so glad you're all done. What a great way to buy a suit, rather than hunting and pecking thru junk!

Amy said...

Great tips for the newbies!

Can't wait to see pictures of those swimsuits!

Yeah....and I did the tennis skirt thing last year...LOVED it! Garrett did, too....very much:-)

circus of love said...

I want to go there and get matching swimsuits for me and my girls. HOW FUN!!!
I am so proud at how far you have come Jessica. What an amazing encouragement to you that you got to share with the newbies. Aw..I am so proud.

Jessica K. said...

Jessica, my good friend in Lima also has her bathing suits made by a seamstress. I'll get the lady's name for you!

MichelleD said...

I am so proud of you...and excited to hear how God continues to grow you and use you for His glory! :)

Amundson Family Musings said...

I can't believe you leave "en un dia en ocho!" Will miss you guys! Doug asked me who we'll most likely visit on the field aside from anyone with ABWE and of course I said you guys!!!
Love you! Heather

Kerri said...

Hi Jessica,
Thanks for this post . . . . I'm latching on to the wisdom in it in anticipation of our language learning which will begin in October. This is the first week of FPO and we are still settling in. It's been an adventurous time for us and I'm hoping for sleep soon!!!!

We are thrilled for you guys . . .. what you have accomplished in learning the language and sharing your faith in the process. You are a great encouragement to us . . . and now 'destination Peru' is just a matter of days for you guys. YIPEE!

Please know that even with short, intermittent internet opportunities we are always remembering to pray for you and your ministry, for your transition to Peru and the start of what God will accomplish there.

much love,
Kerri Hamilton

The Byrd's Nest said...

You don't know my family but we are in the beginning phases of becoming a missionary family. We will go to our candidate conference in December and leave for Costa Rica for language school next July or something like that.

I am SO thankful I found your blog and will continue to follow your journey with the Lord if you don't mind. You have given me such a big relief about language school by this post as we have two 3 yr. olds! God Bless all of you!

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