Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympics in Costa Rica????

Today consisted of:

Selling more of our belongings, yet again, at a student garage sale (can you hint the disdain in my voice from having to do this one more time).

We had dinner tonight at my tutor and friend, Anna's house. We had a great time and all of the kids played wonderfully together. I will post a picture later.

In all honesty, I am just really bummed out tonight. John and I LOVE the olympics so much. In fact, 2 years ago during the winter olympics we bought cable just for 2 weeks so we could watch the olympics - seriously. We do not receive NBC here. We can find a channel that shows an event or two here, but it is entirely in Spanish and obviously without a focus on Americans or all the wonderful back-stories we are so accustomed too. I know it's not the end of the world, but I'm seriously bumming about having to miss the majority of the olympics. Once we get to Peru next Friday, we won't even have a television in the mission house. Oh well, I must look at the positive side....we are healthy and taken care of. But UGH!!!! I WANT MY OLYMPICS!!!

oh wait, just as I wrote this, john found some channel that has some English and it sounds like a very familiar voice. It's that guy who does all the announcing. Oh, I pray this can be our resource. My mourning has turned to joy in 3 sentences. WOOHOOOO!!!!!! Yeh, that's definitely that guy from NBC (channel 69 for those of you in C.R. reading this), but it's not NBC. We shall see. I will keep you updated. At least now there is hope - at least until we leave, anyway.

P.S. I ate the cow tongue because apparently it is a common dish and S. and C. America and our teacher was kind of enough to cook it for us. She was really excited and I wanted to honor her hard work. So I ate it and smiled.



Michael Roark said...

Is there a particular event you want to see? I can just record it and burn it to a DVD for you. Would that work?

Please let me know

Jonatha said...

I'll just take over your whining from here - we can't watch the Olympics! I am so sad! We did get to watch a few minutes of the opening ceremonies last night, but I don't know if we'll get to watch any more of the actual events... Why can't they just put it on channels that will pick it up????

laytonfamily said...

I can relate - sorta of, my hubby went to China 2 yrs ago and had to eat some crazy looking food with heads still attached -- it's definitely out of honor and respect than hunger!

That's the best part of the olympics - the background stories!

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

We LOVE the Olympics too! I've been so excited all summer about them coming on. I can't wait for my girls to watch gymnastics. They're going to love it. I'm so happy for you that you found a channel to watch them on!

Jenny B. said...

Hey, I love the Olympics, too and was extremely sad when I thought we'd miss most of them on our way to Mexico. Then I rejoiced to learn we'd be able to see most of them! Glad you got 'em, too! Have fun (until you leave...)

Amy said...

Viva la Olympics!!!!
I missed getting to see the opening ceremony (:-( -- hoping to catch it via the NBC internet site), but did get to watch some of it last nite at a friends house who had cable!

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