Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sweetest Savior Who Cares

LOOK! LOOK! Our blog ticker says CONGRATULATIONS! How cool is that? That means today is graduation days and zero more days until Lima! Well, 1 if you count today, but I never count the day I'm living.

This video is our hearts cry and the reason we have left our homeland to pursue spreading the saving grace of Jesus Christ. "Will you be there?" By Cindy Morgan

Also, I wanted to share the lyrics of another song with you by the same artist that sang the above song. I couldn't find it on you tube. It is just gorgeous song that has brought me such comfort and encouragement in these days. God has put it on my heart for the past few days which is strange because I haven't heard it in such a long time. These words are beautiful and reassuring.

"You'll Be There" by Cindy Morgan
You were there when the lightning fell,
Crashing down in the blue night,
You came in like a raging wind all around,
What a sweet light.
And in the darkness You were there,
And in the good times You were there,
So let me say, with a prayer,
Sweetest Savior who cares,
Angels dance in the air,
And tell us You'll be there.
In the days when the dark and haze gather round,
You're the refuge,
You breathe again and the sun shines in through the clouds,

How we need You,
To be near and to be sovereign,
Giving hope to each tomorrow,
So we say with a prayer,
Sweetest Savior who cares,
Angels dance in the air,
And tell us You'll be there.
Shadow the lightening,
When we are frightened,
Heavenly light keep shining on me,
Shining on me,
Sweetest Savior who cares,
Angels dance in the air,
And tell us You'll be there.


laytonfamily said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Phams,

By this time, you have already left your house in Costa Rica and are probably in the air or about to be. I have enjoyed reading this blog for the past year and keeping up with your journey and preperation for the mission field in Lima, Peru. I can't imagine going through this myself (especially if you ate that cow tongue, pictured earlier), but I am proud of you all. Just 18 months ago you both sat next to me in LIFE group and taught our small group. It was because of John and Jessica that I gained any confidence in leading the group myself. I look forward to the future and know that through God, your family will impact the lives of many. Congratulations on your graduation from language school and we will continue praying for you in Lima.

John - despite your one flaw (being a Gator fan) you have been a great friend and I look foreward to seeing you again and getting a round of golf in. It's Great, to BEAT, a Florida Gator, Yeah it's Great, to BEAT, a Florida Gator. GO BLUE! We love you all.


Texas Aggie in Florida said...

I can't wait to hear from you and see pictures from Lima! YEA!!!! Many prayers and much love sent!!!

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