This is why I am probably not running the Nike 10K nex week. Pinky toe!

The back part of my toe. Funny thing, because the can fell on the top part of it, but yet most of the bruising is on the bottom. I haven't tried to get it in a shoe yet. I guess the gym and running club will have to wait.

Two of my men working on putting a shelf together!

Taking a break to pose for the camera.

Last night John and I were putting this storage shelf together and look what I did to the leg on accident. I installed it backwards. We were laughing so hard. There is no proof that I actually did it. It could've been him, but since he's the "mechanical" engineer I get to be the fall guy. :)
I can't believe you did that to your toe when you can finally run! Praying for you my friend!
Oh, your poor toe! Ouch! So sorry that happened. Hope it's better soon! Love the shelf... of course it wasn't the mechanical engineer!! :) Build him up, take the blame.
Yep. Better lay off that 10K if you want to be able to run anytime soon. (Hate to be the one to confirm it). If its any concellation(sp?) my 5K was cancelled because of t.s. Faye. Think they will be re-scheduling...hopefully I will be able to train a little harder..better (shin splints and ragged ankle and knee...preahing to the choir, I know). Anyhow. I think I am wearing that exact same toe-nail polish right now. Like I said: sole sisters:-)
Love the pics. Loving your new life in Lima!
haha. this is mom. loved the pictures. they are so funny. brandy is going to teach me how to do this {yay)
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