Thursday, August 28, 2008

A new day, A new start

I should not blog when I am sleep-deprived and frustrated. I apologize for the negativity in yesterday's blog. I went to bed very bothered and anxious about life here. John went to sleep WAY before me so he did not know my internal struggles. This morning when I woke up at 7:30 a.m. to find him taking care of the kids and breakfast to let me sleep, the Holy Spirit had spoken to him about me during his quiet time. John had prayed and prayed for me before I even arose. This morning, when I shared the struggles I am having, he said, "I know, I already prayed for you about "that" this morning." WOW! He is such a good sensor. I was just praising the Lord because I knew the spirit had spoken to John to give him discernment for me.

We decided not to do home school for a few days because it is just too much on top of what (I) we are trying to process and adjust to. I just felt a sensory overload. I feel like we just need to get our bearings down and establish some sort of normalcy and really get to know the culture a little bit first.

Nonetheless, I took 3 children with me to a local store today to pick up a few little things for the house (think Wal-mart). I just decided to talk to the taxi driver no matter what. We had a GREAT conversation and at the end he said it was "a pleasure." Really? How cool! And on the way home I had the nicest driver that I could understand ALMOST completely. He was super friendly. In fact, he even gave me his phone number if I "need" anything. Okay, so he probably was making a pass at me, but honestly, whatever! I had just prayed and prayed that God would give me positive experiences today. In the store when I couldn't find something (2 times) I decided to not be afraid and just asked. No one laughed at me as I asked my questions and both ladies helped me find what I needed.

I am finding that this culture is extremely different than in Costa Rica and you have to be very frank and direct. I don't like this AT ALL, although it is in my personality to do so. So I am trying to find a balance between giving and receiving directness and moving away from the ever-friendly, non-confrontational culture that I became so accustomed to in Costa Rica, while trying to find a Christ-like balance. Make sense?

Anyway, Praise God for John's prayers for me and his sensing what I need (like extra sleep). Tonight I am taking God's girl on a date to the cutest little place. I can't wait to take pictures to show you.

Also, we found out about a church that is 10 blocks from here (Missionary Alliance Church) that we are going to try out this Sunday. And someone told me she knows the Sunday School director if I would like to call her because I have an interest in teaching Sunday School to little children. Hey, I need to start somewhere.

Thanks for hanging with me on the good and bad days. God is always working in my mind and heart. Sometimes it is painful, but sometimes it incredibly beautiful. Just depends on the day! :)


Amy said...

You're awesome! Thanks for sharing your good days and bad days. I think most of us who are following your journey appreciate reading both -- I know that I do. God really does minister in the sun and the rain. I am confident that you will adjust and come to love this culture (or at least appreciate it) even more than you did in C.R. Give yourself some time to adjust. Enjoy your babies (schooling can wait a bit)and just "BE JOYFUL ALWAYS, PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS FOR THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD CONCERNING YOU IN CHRIST JESUS!" 1 Thes. 5:18
Love you!

The Sage Family said...

I'm thankful for John's relationship with the Lord!!! I'm glad you got rest and got out of the house. You can't allow yourself to stay cooped up. You need at least 30 minutes out in the sun each day (I know the sky is dark but it's better than nothing). We're praying for you guys. I know you feel like you stick out like a sore thumb (or sore toe) but when people are compelled to look... they'll end up staring because you have such a godly family....then they will be compelled to ask how. Maybe have the kids memorize in Spanish the definition of obedience and other reminder phrases that your family uses and try to talk to them in Spanish outside of the house. Putting yourself in a bubble is not the "set apart" i.e. holiness, that we are called to. Just remember God will equip you when you are doing it for Him.

Grannie Rains said...

Praise the Lord for a new day.
K has a taxi company that recognizes her voice when she calls for a Taxi and they are so nice to her. Your taxi driver really wants to help and God is planting seeds for building a relationship.

Love you blog....You are covered in Prayer..
Love, Grannie Rains

circus of love said...

It is important for you to share your struggles. You shouldn't carry your burden alone. We are praying for you!!! Praise God for our husbands. Tell John Good Job!!!
I see that woman who jumped off the edge of that cliff in St. Thomas. God created you for this. He will do great things in you as you daily surrender to Him.
I have found I have to check my blogs but am limiting it to once a day. I miss you all!

The Byrd's Nest said...

I love it that you are so transparent because I am the same way! You have to be honest with us so we know how to pray for you. I agree with Amy, give yourself time to adjust and the kids too.

Big Texas Hugs to all of you!

The McClain's said...

Hey girl! Keep your chin up (and the toe, too if it starts to swell...). Here is a story for you...a few weeks ago I started a new discipleship group with two young moms and a friend of mine from one of our established churches. My friend is actually the teacher but we are a team. So we have this routine and I open with prayer and the first few questions. Thenshe takes over and we have a rotation we usually do. So, I pray, then start with the wuestions. I ask the first one and mt friend, Luisa, has to repeat it and clarify what I had said. Second time, same thing happens the girl just cannot understand me. Third time- she finally looks at Luisa and asks her to finsh the study because she just cannot unserstand me! OUCH!!! She is Costa was all I could do NOT to cry right there...

So, cheer up, you'll have those really bad days and those really GREAT days, but remember that they all are beautiful! Those really bad days sometimes turn out to my most beautiful ones because God teaches me so much whenI am so vulnerable.

I love you!
How is you toe?

Brooke :)

Justgottalaugh said...

Hi friend. I miss you soooo much. I am praying for you often. I'm sooooooooooooooo bummed about your toe. Soon....

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