Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Transition and calling us

I forgot how well I do NOT do in transition. John and I haven't had an arguement yet, which is much improved over last time. But I think we are both feeling yuck inside, not because we don't want to leave, but just because it's well....different when you are living out of 21 bags with 4 little kids and leaving your home and friends. But nonetheless God's grace and strength prevails. The olympics have really been a great stress reliever.

John and I have been overwhelmed to see how much people have come to love us and our family in only 1 year - and vice versa. It is amazing how we have been able to connect with nationals that love us with all of their hearts in such a short time. I surely never expected that, but it is such a promise of what is to come in our permanent home in Lima, Peru.

Tomorrow is our last day of classes. We are going to restaurants with our teachers and Thursday is graduation. We fly out at 10:30 a.m. Friday morning. We are COMPLETELY packed and ready to go. We will have some last minute touches on Thursday, but we are all packed up. I will post a picture soon so you can see all of our worldly possessions widdled down to a few bags.

We will not have internet or phone starting Thursday a.m. We would love to talk with you before we take off. Please feel free to call us on our American line at 321-766-4043. It could be 4-8 weeks before we have a phone again. We will have internet in Peru at our temporary location, but will not have a phone. Please feel free to call. We miss you all. Once again, your prayers sustain us!


ptamom3 said...

When you say "permanent" home in Peru- how long are you planning on being there. Do you have a contract of some sort?
I'm sorry that you have to leave so many belongings behind- I'm sure you know you are taking the most precious ones with you!
I pray for a safe trip for you and the family and can't wait to "hear" from you once you are settled in Peru!

The Byrd's Nest said...

I cannot even imagine how it must be for all of you. Praying for all of you to have a smooth transition and we know God has His hand upon this travel.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all during this time of transition. Can't wait to see what God has in store for you in this next phase of His plan.

Amy said...

So many prayers for you all. I know that you give God all the glory,but your courage and stead-fastness through all of the transitions that you have been through in the last TWO years has been such a testimony and encouragement. We love you!

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