Monday, August 11, 2008

WOW and our week!

So who was NOT stoked about our Men's Relay team beating those smart-mouthed french last night? I was so excited and proud that I seriously tossed and turned all night as I thought about that victory. Call me passionate or obsessed! Or maybe loyal! Last night I just felt a HUGE sense of pride for America. I know there are like 10 million things wrong with our country, but seriously I was so proud to be an American. I said to John, "We are from the BEST country in the whole world. What are we doing trying to move away? Honey, I want to go back to America!" I wasn't totally serious because I know this is God's calling on our life, but definitely feeling extremely proud to be in America and wishing I could be "in" America enjoying our country's successes in the Olympics. Nonetheless, last night ROCKED and I was thrilled to see such a cool victory.

Here's a look at our week:
Monday - skip school to pack and sleep in, watch olympics, mentoring meeting, excercise at school, watch John preach his LAST sermon at the house of restoration today, watch olympics.
Tuesday - A special chapel at school for seniors (a chance for them to say goodbye and such), pack, watch olympics.
Wednesday - A meeting with the director of the school, graduation rehearsal, pack, olympics, last day of classes.
Thursday - graduation, a special lunch with our friends, pack, olympics, say good-bye to our national friends, cry, load-up truck, cry, watch our last olympics.
Friday - Leave our house at 7 a.m. Rejoice, Cry, Rejoice, Cry and look to the future. Land in Peru around 3:30ish.

WOW! What a week! We can't believe the 2nd phase is starting. Seriously, it seems like a dream.


The Byrd's Nest said...

Yes that race was extremely exciting!!!!!

We have the same pride for the USA but since we have adopted from Asia, I secretly cheer for China and South Korea too;)

I will be praying this entire week for your family and the transitions you are about to make.

Amy said...

And where will you be watching the Olympics in Peru.....? Can't wait to be reading posts from Peru next week:-)

Marlene said...

I had to go to bed last night since Monday's are early days for FPO (I DO NOT like having to come an hour early on Mondays!!) but I did tape it because I wanted to see it while I was getting ready this morning and IT WAS AWESOME! Hope y'all have a great week getting ready to leave and I'll be thinking about you as you travel. Keep me and this FPO in your thoughts. I've got 14 kids that are 10 months to 22 months and it is SO TIRING!!! Blessings to all of you!
Ms. Marlene

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

It rocked! I was in bed, and was listening to the race and sat straight up in bed to watch the last 2 legs of it. Unbelievable! And I know the feeling you're speaking of. Sort of. I feel the same way every time I hear a good country song or watch any Aggie sports. I think to myself, "I'm from THE great state of Texas, and I'm a fightin' Texas Aggie!" Does it get any better than that? And then I get all sad and misty eyed and want to go "home" if only for a visit.

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