Sunday, September 16, 2007

Forgetting English

In the midst of trying to feel settled here so that I can try to get my mind off of being homesick, I realized that I am really needing to connect more with the nationals. So much of our time is spent with Americans because we go to a school with Americans, we are from America and well...we speak English. So it is just natural and easy to congregate towards what we know.

But I've been thinking a lot about this lately and I need to forget English. I need to stop speaking it, thinking it, writing it....just forget it. Of course, this is like impossible, but it's a good idea nonetheless. Today, John and I only spoke Spanish at lunch. It was a quiet lunch! Actually, we did well and I learn a lot from him because he speaks so slow and very gringo. I wish all Latins spoke like him. I guess that would make them un-latin then, huh?

So I'm thinking about needing more Spanish in my life. On top of speaking to the Empleada for at least an hour or more everyday, I do get to go to physical therapy three times a week starting this week. The IMB approved paying for my taxi rides so this is a huge financial relief. The blessing in this is that means extra hours of Spanish speaking for me. My PT, Rosa, said she enjoys speaking to me and we always have fun looking stuff up and trying to figure out what I'm trying to say. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm trying to say. I have decided that I want to turn the conversation to spiritual things this week, but I know like ZERO churchy words so it will have to be super simple, but I know the Lord can give me the words and the strength.

I'm still not getting to my point. So, I decide I need to be immersing myself in the culture and trying to limit my English speaking as much as possible. The Lord totally gave me the idea to ask my neighbor Estrella if she is in a Bible study. I went outside and called her name, "Estrella, Estrella." Her name means star in Spanish. I'll write another blog about the sweetness of this woman and how God has placed us next to her for so many reasons. She quickly came out with her beautiful smile. Anyway, I asked her if she was in a Bible study and she said yes and said that I am more than welcome to join her. She agreed that I need to participate in as many Spanish activities as possible. She only speaks Spanish and the Bible study is with nationals and is solamente in Spanish as well. WOW!! She told me to try to look on the internet and see if I can start learning some spiritual words because that will help me in the study.

Then, she told me that she goes around to different "places" in the area and teaches little children very simple Bible stories on Saturdays. She invited me to come with her and I think she said I can help her teach the stories. Of course, I'm still a few months off from doing this, but for now I can go and watch and learn. WOW!!! What a cool opportunity. And I think I can start this Saturday. I cannot wait!

God is just amazing. Just amazing! He is so faithful to know a need before I even ask and then to meet it immediately once I realize the need. My heart and mind have been burdened all weekend with wanting to get plugged in and God just opened the door in an instance. I shouldn't be amazed at His provision, but it always seem to blow my mind - even after all of these years of walking with Him.

So, the Bible study is Thursday night from 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. and I seriously cannot wait. I'm sure I'll only understand like 10% of what is being said, but it's definitely a start! :) Praise God, I'm on my way to forgetting English!


Justgottalaugh said...

So cool, Jess. Just whatever you do, don't start writing your blog in Espanol, por favor!!!!!

Jonatha said...

Hey Jess, this is Jonatha. I just found out about your blog page, so Chad and I are trying to catch up on all of you! We have been praying for you, so it is a blessing to see those prayers being played out! Those bible studies sound like the perfect answer to a prayer. :)

Keith said...

It seems I may need to act on a desire to learn Spanish. My wife and I have talked for a few years now about learning at least conversational Spanish to use in case of an opportune mission trip. If you are going to forget English, it could become difficult to read your blog.... :)

Phamilyof6 said...

Hi Jonatha:
So glad you wrote. I will be checking out your blog, too.

Hi Keith:
Don't start your Spanish classes yet. We have a long way to go. :)

As soon as I can I am writing in Spanish (at least one), but it will probably be like 1st grade stuff - so don't sweat it!

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